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Zoas dying need little help

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Placid, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. Placid

    Norwalk, IA
    +60 / 2 / -0

    Just the last few days I had two colonies of zoa/paly die. The heads turned black as if they got burnt. Nothing else is effected atm and the other zoas in the tank are fine. Anyone had an experience what may of caused this? I'm hoping I don't lose my other colonies and what is left recovers.

    Appreciate the feedback!
  2. walker1

    walker1 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +28 / 1 / -0
    It' could be Zoa eating nudibranchs or sundial snail causing the issue also could be from somthing falling on them. I would remove them and give them a coral dip with Coral Rx and that would also be a good time to look them over good some pest have to be removed with tweezers. That would be where I would start also wear protective gloves Zoas can get nasty. Hope that helps a bit keep us updated
  3. Placid

    Norwalk, IA
    +60 / 2 / -0
    Believe I found the issue. I tested my ammonia and had 2ppm. I have no idea how this happened. Tank been up over a year and the only thing I have changed about 3 weeks ago was add an engineer goby. Him moving sound around cause the ammonia to spike?
  4. Saddoris(DSMpunk)


    +2 / 0 / -0
    It could. Those anaerobic areas of the sand bed can contain some nasty compounds.
  5. chromess 01

    chromess 01

    +10 / 0 / -0

    You seem to have found the problem but I have had the same issue from time to time. I had a nice colony of radiocactive that had probably 30 heads, then they started disappearing by the day. I took pictures and could compare, at one point there was 8. I watched at night and what looked like pods crawling all over them. Got a mandarin and problem went away. But I did have a rock of some orange zoas, about 20 heads, they just disappeared. Didnt turn color, didnt melt, just gone. Down to 2, then 1 then none. Could be the type of zoa, I have a frag of what appears to be ked reds, they all closed up and turned brown. They happen to fall in the sand so I left them, and 2 new ones opened, so I took a toothbrush and gently brushed the brown off, it came off like a scab and all new tissue underneath. I moved them and they did it again, all turned brown. I left them and the frag is at a angle, the top heads are coming back but the bottom arent. Ive been told some make it and some dont. I have noticed a black snail with a flat and small shell, but it hasnt gone near anything.

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