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WTB- sump parts

Discussion in 'Waterloo / Cedar Falls Area' started by matt1971, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. matt1971 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +9 / 0 / -0
    1.overflow box for non-drilled tank (2)

    I have a 75 gallon tank that I will convert into a combined sump for a 75 and 55 gallon reeftank.
  2. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    I have a cpr overflow box model cs 50 if you want it $25.00 that's what i gave a friend of mine for it never used it myself.

  3. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    +19 / 0 / -0
    My brother bought an overflow box but ended up buying a drilled tank so never used his overflow box, it's brand new, $25 if you want it. I live in Cedar Falls but I won't be around until next sunday(spring break).

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