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WTB, FS, or Trades

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by SGM, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    I am looking for some frags for my 8 gal bio cube.  I have aprox. 10 lb of live rock in the tank.  SO any advice on what to put in there and how much would be great.
    I have a bunch of fresh water fish that I am wanting to sell.  Mainly discus and a few africans.  Or would be intrested in stuff for trade for my 125 gal tank I want to set up salt.  I have the tank, stand, lights, mainly need a skimmer, live rock, and sand or crushed coral.
    Stuff that I have.  (All discus are discus I had imported in from Maylasia
    2 Turqouise discus, these guys are beauties almost 6 inches.  They could possibly be a pair but not sure, no eggs yet.
    2 carnation snakeskin discus.  These guys are a strong 4 inches.  Just starting to get blues and reds.  There snakeskin pattern is awesome with the barring and the lines.
    Bristlenose plecos, they are about a inch
    Cynotilapia afra jalo reef breeding trios
    Colony of Neolamprologus multifaciautous shell dwellers, come with all the shells as well 2 pair are wild caught
    tons of fresh water plant trimings
    I am pretty open on prices, just mainly wanting to get stuff for my tank
  2. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    More stuff to add to the list

    Tons of plants, My 180 is fully planted so in order to make it a salt tank guess better move some more stuff. I will attach a pic of the tank. If intrested in plants let me know.

    Co2 setup 20lb tank, with solenoid, needle valves you name it. It has a 6 way splitter so you can run 6 planted tanks.
    10 neon tetras $8
    12 pencil fish $10
    1 Blue Diamond Discus 6" $50
    2 Wild RSG cross leopard discus 5"+ $75 and a $100 a piece
    3 Yellow crystal discus. These guys are yellow bright yellow $300 for a ll 3.
  3. snowman82

    snowman82 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    how much for the co2?
  4. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    I have a cpr overflow for sale and about any kind of frag you might want. Need to know more about your tank to reccomnd anything though. i.e. Params and lighting.
    I have kept Discus for years and am down to two Turquoise I have had for about 8 years. Would really like to add a red variety, pigeon blood, marlboro or snakeskin. Maybe we can work something out.
    I am up north of Boone.
  5. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    Posted By snowman82 on 07/18/2009 05:45 PM
    how much for the co2? Looking at $200 for the setup.  Bottle is half full.  I also have a nice PVC reactor as well.  Once the plants are gone then the Co2 can go.
  6. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    Posted By jtesdall on 07/18/2009 06:09 PM
    I have a cpr overflow for sale and about any kind of frag you might want. Need to know more about your tank to reccomnd anything though. i.e. Params and lighting.
    I have kept Discus for years and am down to two Turquoise I have had for about 8 years. Would really like to add a red variety, pigeon blood, marlboro or snakeskin. Maybe we can work something out.
    I am up north of Boone.
    If I go with the 125 for a reef tank, it will have a T-5 twin bulb setup.  I have also thought about my 75gal.  And the main reason for it is.  I have a nice 8 bulb T-5 setup, with moon lights, and all.
    I do have a RO system that I can use for the water for the tank. 
    As far as the discus go.  The turqouise pic I posted in the thread is of the breeding pair.  They get really blue when spawning.  The 2 loose ones I have are not that blue.  More red than blue.  It is hard to find some really good clean red discus with out a lot of black in them or peppering in the pigeon bloods.  I am sure we can work something out.  I am on the very north side of Ankeny.  It is going to be a few weeks until I get room in these tanks to get something setup.
  7. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    Posted By jtesdall on 07/18/2009 06:09 PM
    I have a cpr overflow for sale and about any kind of frag you might want. Need to know more about your tank to reccomnd anything though. i.e. Params and lighting.
    I have kept Discus for years and am down to two Turquoise I have had for about 8 years. Would really like to add a red variety, pigeon blood, marlboro or snakeskin. Maybe we can work something out.
    I am up north of Boone.

    I forgot to mention that I have 3 yellow crystals that I am thinking of getting rid of too.  They are pigeon based but they are probably the cleanest pigeons I have ever seen.

  8. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    Seriously open to trades on equipment and stuff I will need for setting up a tank

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