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What is included with Registration

Discussion in '2008' started by Travis, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Travis

    Travis Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I was just wanting to clarify what is included with the different levels of registration.
    What do we get with
    General Admission
    General Admision with Speaker Pass
    Are the 5 free raffle tickets included with all admissions or just the sellers?  How about the extra 5 for being a member?  Are there sample bags at this time or are you going to let the sellers hand out samples if they wish?
  2. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Here's how I understand it...
    1) Basic Attendee - Gets access to the show floor and can browse/purchase from sellers and vendors.   No access to the room where the speakers will be giving their presentations.   Can not bring items in to sell/trade.
    2) Attendee w/Speaker pass - Same as basic attendee, only you have access to see the speakers.   Can not bring items in to sell/trade.
    3) Seller - This is the "Everything" pass that gets you admission, speaker pass and the ability to bring items onto the show floor to sell or trade.   Each seller will recieve 4' of table space to setup thier tank, 25 Gallons of free salt water (so they don't have to lug it from home) and 5 free raffle tickets.
    Each GIRS member in attendance (meaning active club dues paid) will recieve 5 free raffle tickets.   If you are a seller you will recieve and additional 5 free raffle tickets.   In other words:
    Non-Member Attendee: No free raffle tickets
    Member Attendee: 5 free raffle tickets
    Non-Member Seller: 5 free raffle tickets
    Member Seller: 10 free raffle tickets.
    I don't know if there will be sample bags at this time.   I think it depends on a number of factors yet to be determined.
    Also, you get a $5 discount if you pre-register as a seller or an attendee w/speaker pass before Oct. 15th.
    In my opinion, this is an exceptional deal.   The only real reason why the event admission is so cheap is because it's the first year and not well established yet.
  3. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    General admission gets you into the door. You get access to everything but the speakers.

    Gen Admission with speakers will get you into the speakers as well.

    Seller gets you in to sell, access to all the speakers, 25 gallons of pre mixed salt water, and 5 free raffle tickets.

    Any member that shows up & pays gets 5 free raffle tickets.

    If you are a selling member you get 10.

    Right now the budget doesnt allow for gift bags, IF we get alot of people to pre register it is something we may look at. The vendors will be welcome to hand out anything they desire.

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