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wanting to trade mag 12

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Guest, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    hey all,
    well this is gonna sound weird but im looking to trade a nearly brand new(used for a week or so) mag 12 for something you think i would benefit from, and you could benefit from mag 12. I MEAN ANYTHING BENEFICIAL CAUSE ITS JUST SITTING THERE....im using filter though but easily taken out and dried haha
    i have 75 gallon aga rr tank, with almost 30 gallon sump....
    if you have mag 7 or 9 that would work, or a fuge light, nice magnet scraper, powerhead, media filter, fish, frags, fuge plants and critters, etc etc just to give you an idear of anything.....oh even heaters(that work lol)
    let me know
  2. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    +19 / 0 / -0
    hey, where are you located? I live in Cedar Falls, i'm just wonderin how close you would be.

    Things i have for sale:
    3" gold stripe maroon clown
    mag 9.5
    36" PC light(260w)
    sea clone 150 protein skimmer
    sea clone 100 protein skimmer
    Via Aqua poly reactor with pump(brand new in box)
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    im in the cr area.  how do you like your skimmers? do they do a pretty good job? i've heard pretty good things about them
  4. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    +19 / 0 / -0
    They seemed to work pretty good. The only thing bad about them is getting just the right air adjustment so there's not any micro bubles getting back into the tank. It would be a lot better in a sump or something. On one of the seaclones i did some modding to it from a source on reefcentral.com. i cut the riser tube a little and i cut the inner tube a little to make it work better. the magdrive 9.5 has a new impeller in it too. let me know if your interested in trading some of this stuff for the pump, because i'm definitely interested!
  5. h2so4hurts

    h2so4hurts Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I have a sea clone 100 in the sump of my 30 gallon hospital tank. Seems to work pretty well. It micro bubbles like crazy, so don't expect to be able to hang it on the back of your tank like they show in the picture and have crystal clear water
  6. DavidM199

    DavidM199 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    you have a pm

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