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Used Equipment Wanted

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by mnballard, Jan 6, 2008.

  1. mnballard


    +0 / 0 / -0

    I'm setting up a 120 gallon in-wall system and naturally there is some equipment that I will be needing, I figured I would post it here just in case there is something you have sitting around that might fit in.  My Tank build is here.  Just PM me if you have something of interest.
    Right now I am looking for:
    Lights:   Preferably 2-250W MH.  Fixture can't be much over 48" wide.  It does not need to look good, the uglier the better, just needs to be effective.
    Sump:   Looking for a 40 gallon breeder tank, seems to be the optimal size to fit in there, again, doesn't have to look good, just be effective.
    Skimmer:  I will be placing the skimmer in the sump and so about 22" height max.  I may look at external skimmers as well, but not my first choice.
    Sand and base rock

    Anything else that you think I might need, send me a message and let me know.  I hope to make it to Iowa City on the 19th.  Thanks for the interest.
  2. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    post this over in waverz thread about what everyone is bringing to the garage sale at the meeting.

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