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Sand Sifter Help - Suggestions?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gb387, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. gb387

    gb387 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I am looking to get something to help keep my sand looking a little better.  I have had a Diamond Goby twice before one jumped out the other went when my tank took a dive.  That said they seemed to do a very good job keeping my sand clean and looking good. 
    Seems its a fine line between keeping water flow near the sand and a sand storm.  There are a few 'trouble' spots in my tank and in the past the Gobys seemed to do a good job.  Any thoughts?  Anything else out there?
  2. h2so4hurts

    h2so4hurts Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    My sand sifting sea star does a great job of keeping the substrate clean and churned.
  3. wolfman1973

    wolfman1973 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    here is a fish that doesn"t get nearly the credit it deserves,convict blenny or engineer goby,what ever you want to call them. they grow fast,mine have been around a foot for a couple of years. they are in a fish only set up but would be fine in a reef as long as you don't have alot of lifeforms on your sandbed. mine always stay on the bottom on one side or the other. they do a great job of moving your sand in the back and sides of your tank.
  4. IowaDiver Well-Known ReefKeeper

    West Des Moines
    +6 / 0 / -0
    I think you might need your rock well supported if you get a tunneling fish so rockwork does not become unstable. You could also try a fighting conch or a sea cucumber (get the kind that doesn't have poisonus innards). Or one of the gobys. I see the sleeper goby often at the stores though that sucker gets pretty big.
  5. gb387

    gb387 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By tibbs2 on 11/19/2008 10:08 AM
    I think you might need your rock well supported if you get a tunneling fish so rockwork does not become unstable. You could also try a fighting conch or a sea cucumber (get the kind that doesn't have poisonus innards). Or one of the gobys. I see the sleeper goby often at the stores though that sucker gets pretty big. When I was putting my tank together I made sure all the lower rocks were well supported in and under the sand as I knew I was going to have a 'tunneling fish'.
  6. IowaDiver Well-Known ReefKeeper

    West Des Moines
    +6 / 0 / -0
    A jawfish might work for you too then. End of November I'm going to place an order with Sea Life Inc for jawfish, gorgonian, maybe a sponge and some marine plants. You can't beat his price on most of the stuff he sells.

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