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RO/DI questions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RobynT, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I currently have a Coralife 3 stage unit and need to replace all the filters and membrane but am also considering buying a whole new unit.  Since I also have to watch my "reef spending" (it is neverrr ending it seems) I am  asking for opinions on replacing my membrane and filters vs buying a better unit.  I know that there are lots of supporters of both the filter guys and spectrapure but by the time you add shipping we are talking roughly $200 minimum for most appropriate set ups.
    1) Other than the filters and number of stages, what makes one unit so much better than another?  It "looks" to me like it's a matter of hoses going from one chamber to another and more dependant on quality of filters than the housing.  Am I missing something here??  ( I will be the first to say I am plumbing impaired.)
    2) What is so bad about the cheaper units (such as ebay) if they use descent filters and membranes?
    3) Why should I just ditch my present unit and buy a new one?  I know that most have more than the 3 stages .  If money was no object I wouldn't be thinking about all of this so hard but I just bought all new bulbs for my T5 and ordered a bunch of stuff from the Drs.  group buy. Hubby does raise his eyebrows a bit I spend too much all in the same month and I can't say I blame him! 
    Thanks for the input everyone, I'd like as many opinions as I can get here.  Most of you have a RO/DI so you must have an opinion!
  2. einsteins

    einsteins Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0

    I would suggest looking at the cost of upgrading the unit you already have...

    being 3 stage I am assuming:
    1) prefilter
    2) Carbon
    3) RO membrane

    Looking at the Filterguys website we could upgrade your your current system to a 6 stage Dual/DI and replace all the filters for abour 150.00 (give or take 20.00)

    The hardware you have is still good and its easy to add on to these systems. Ebay systems are notorious for having terrible filters and membranes.

    Give me a call sometime if you want....I will help you figure it all out.

    Bill Kennedy
  3. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well Bill, having been told that Coralife is a piece of junk (lol) I really can't see putting that much money into it.  Do you feel that six stage is the way to go?
  4. Travis

    Travis Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Robyn you can always add to your current system, but sometimes it is cheaper to buy a larger unit with fresh filters and membrane than to buy individual add-ons. The first thing you have to do is decide how many stages you really needto/want to run and go from there. If you are dealing with chloramines you will need a couple extra stages just for that. If you want to run DI then you need to add a DI stage. If you want to run a dual DI that is another. I personally am running a 3 stage currently with no problems, but since you are looking to be big into SPS and high color corals you will at least want the DI add-on. Make sure you get a FIlmtec RO membrane and nothing rated over 75gpd if you are looking to upgrade your RO.
  5. einsteins

    einsteins Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0

    I was using the 6 stage just to give you an example to go by and see if it was feasible price wise to upgrade.... I believe the Dual DI is a good investment.
    I dont know much about the coralife systems but you should look at all the options.

    If you really want top notch advice call Jim at the filter guys, he will be straight with you.
    He has told me I didn't need something a couple of times and actually saved me money.

  6. Nykademus

    Nykademus Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I recently went through some of this too. I purchased a 3 stage RO unit (sounds like the same thing you have) from one of the GIRS guys. I added a DI housing (which comes with color changing media) and replaced the carbon and poly sediment filters and the total was less than 70 dollars, from the filter guys. They even refunded my shipping on a second order when I also needed to order the auto shutoff valve. I would very strongly recommend these guys, not just because the prices are very competitive, but the customer service is second to none.


  7. mnballard


    +0 / 0 / -0
    FWIW, I just installed my Typhoon 5 stage RO/DI and am very happy with it.  I looked at everything I could think of when thinking of which one to get, made myself thoroughly confused and decided on this one[​IMG]  I just went with the bare bones and figure I'll add in a DI bypass by putting a valve in there if I need to at next to no cost.  It seems really well built and it took TDS from 287 to 0 so I'm very happy, but keep in mind that I have nothing to compare it to either.  It was $175 shipped so you know the costs, it did seem like the replacement filter costs were very reasonable compared to some others.
  8. seanndenise1

    seanndenise1 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    i do have a ebay special that ive had for 6 years or so now, its really been a good filter.

    in my opinion a housing is a housing.

    nowdays they are all coming with good fittings, and hoses.

    what you want to look for is a system that has a good membrane and a refillable di housing.

    i have been looking around at new systems these past couple months and was thinking about buying a new one from ebay , a water general with filmtek membrane and adding on a di cartridge from the filter guys, but decided against it, because mine is working fine.

    as long as you get a good membrane and refillable di cartridge youll do fine.
    stay away from di cartridges, they are expensive, get refillable type so you can buy bulk and fill.
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    pm me i can sale u a brand new ro with tank and every thing u need filleters are good for 1 year the membrain is good for 8-10 years i have 75 gpd 100 gpd 150gpd and on up from thair this will have a filmteck membrain in it 150.00 thats out the door if u dont need the tank its 125.00 with out the tank btw thes are all 6 stages units
  10. BGreenlee

    BGreenlee Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0


    As you figure, there is not really a good reason to replace the components that you already have, unless you want clear filter cartridges or something. I would look at your choice in filters. You will want to get your local water report, it will be somewhere on the internet likely. Once you can verify if you have chloramines or chlorine call the filter guys and they will help you pick a filter array. Since I am sure your water is like mine in the since that it is very hard, I would go with a DI unit. I really like the double DI, so I can fully exhaust a cartridge before I change it, which keeps me from wasting more money then I already do. The big thing is to get good filters and membranes. One area I need to improve is my incoming water temperature. I checked mine and it is around 64 degrees, which is costing me a ton of waste. I need to tee my cold and hot as Travis had described to get that taken care of. I runa  cheap ebay unit that I bought before I knew to look elsewhere, but with the right additions it is as good as most systems I have seen.

    I run a prefilter for my booster pump, booster pump, carbon 1, carbon 2, .5 micron sediment, RO, DI, DI, DI (safety in case I am out of town for a long time and Courtney has to make up a bunch of water). I bought the double DI from the filter guys, the first prefilter is a cheap unit from Menards that uses the normal filters. The booster was expensive, but I was using so much DI I didnt have a choice really.

  11. Deleted member 46

    Deleted member 46 Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By reefguy on 01/14/2008 4:22 PM
    pm me i can sale u a brand new ro with tank and every thing u need filleters are good for 1 year the membrain is good for 8-10 years i have 75 gpd 100 gpd 150gpd and on up from thair this will have a filmteck membrain in it 150.00 thats out the door if u dont need the tank its 125.00 with out the tank btw thes are all 6 stages units
    I'd take him up on this offer if they truely have new filmtec membranes.  Not all membranes are equal but most filmtecs are great but the 100 gpd one.  The 100 GPD has around 90% rejection rate compared to 98% rejection rate of the 75gpd membrane.  As for filters a 10 micron sediment/5 micron carbon block/1 micron carbon block/Ro membrane/then di is the most practical way to go.  Any extra DI's you put on them is just an added bonus but not really needed.  Like others have said the casings really do not matter as long as they are 10" which most filters use. http://www.airwaterice.com/category/19.membranes_and_descriptions/
  12. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    I'd like to say thanks to everyone that took the time to respond to my questions.  To me, this is a perfect example of the great input and information you get for free from GIRS!!
    I'm still researching and weighing out my options.  I am going to try and find out the true facts of our town water quality before I decided on anything since I may need to worry about specific bad things (such as chloramine). (Thanks Billy, great suggestion.)  I hope not but I'd best find out for sure.  Also, I want to find out the town water pressure.  Life was easier in a way when I lugged my jugs to AE to be filled.
    I'm sure this thread is informational to many reefers, not just me.  Thanks again everyone!
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    adams ro does 2000 a day it will be the same ro but much smaller unless u need 2000 of ro water a day lol we installd that ro for adam he got it from us any one else that needs a ro or parts membrains so and so on i can help u ps. bring me me a sample of u water ill send it to our lab and tell u whats in your water and our membrains are filmtec ill be happy to show u will change the fillters in this one time a year thay are 5.00 for the one and 9.90 for others and 12.00 for top fillter u will change the botoms ones one time a year top one every other year membrain will last 8-10 years we have some out thair thats 14 years old and still going  oh btw i can get 99.9 percent with a 100 gpd ro and 98.9 with a 150 gpd ro bring a tds meter or i have one and ill show u what a good ro and membrain can do [​IMG] i make not a dime off thes ros thes are at cost if paid buy with a check will have to charge u sales tax sorry one ro person at that price if want more than one thay are 160.00 i dont use carbon blocks i use granulated carbon in  the fillters carbon block dont last i can get them for u for 2.50 a peace for carbon blocks
  14. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By mnballard on 01/14/2008 4:20 PM
    FWIW, I just installed my Typhoon 5 stage RO/DI and am very happy with it.  I looked at everything I could think of when thinking of which one to get, made myself thoroughly confused and decided on this one[​IMG]  I just went with the bare bones and figure I'll add in a DI bypass by putting a valve in there if I need to at next to no cost.  It seems really well built and it took TDS from 287 to 0 so I'm very happy, but keep in mind that I have nothing to compare it to either.  It was $175 shipped so you know the costs, it did seem like the replacement filter costs were very reasonable compared to some others.
     Well, this is the unit I opted for and I have to say it's really a fantastic unit, well built with a very complete set of installation instructions.   My husband got it running in about 10 minutes yesterday .  The water barrel is almost full (40+ gallons) and will soon be shutting itself off automatically with a float.  And the best part????        0 TDS!!!
  15. mnballard


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Glad to hear that! I've been really happy with mine, taking the water from 345 TDS to 6 through R/O and right to 0 through DI. For about $7.00 for a tee and and two valves I have a DI bypass hooked up now too.

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