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Reefcast.com - Cool stuff

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AJ, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yeah, I know some of you guys that have been around a while have probably been listening this since day one, but I came across this today and really like it.  It's hosted by two guys who aren't nearly as funny as they think they are (probably a 5 out of 10 on the funny scale), but still give a lot of good information in a very understandable format.  I was listening to episode 26 today and it gave some really good guidelines on qt tanks such as size, equipment, and tips on how to get the most out of them.  It was their noob topic and I got a lot out of it.  There was other stuff in there too.  If you have not checked these out, I recommend doing so.  Well worth the time.


  2. snowman82

    snowman82 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    i think this is in the wrong forum AJ :)
    Content moved from BST to General Forum
    Jeremy (moved by JB)
  3. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Wow...I screwed that one up! I'll flag it to see if JB can move it. 
    Content moved from BST to General Forum
    Jeremy (moved by JB)
  4. Eric Experienced Reefkeeper

    West Des Moines, IA
    +33 / 0 / -0
    Why would this be the wrong forum?
    This forum is for general reef related information/post, of which this fits perfectly!
    The off topic is for that...computers, other pets, etc.
    Anyway, just my opinion but I believe it's an appropriate post...unless, of course, it's already been moved to this forum...then I'd just be confused [​IMG].
    If it has been moved, it would be appropriate for a mod to indicate so.
    Content moved from BST to General Forum
    eremy (moved by JB)

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