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New member - North Liberty

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Eric, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. Eric Experienced Reefkeeper

    West Des Moines, IA
    +33 / 0 / -0

    [face=Calibri size=3>New member introduction, re:

    [face=Calibri size=3>1) Tell us a little bit about yourself.
    2) Tell us a little bit about your tank(s).  Don't worry if you're just getting started, we were all there once.
    3) If you don't have a tank yet, tell us a little bit about what you'd like to do in the hobby.

    [size=3>[face=Calibri>My name is Eric, and I’m a reefaholic.New member introduction, re:[/face=Calibri size=3>1) Tell us a little bit about yourself.
    2) Tell us a little bit about your tank(s).  Don't worry if you're just getting started, we were all there once.
    3) If you don't have a tank yet, tell us a little bit about what you'd like to do in the hobby.[/size=3>My name is Eric, and I’m a reefaholic.My name is Eric, and I’m a reefaholic.1) Tell us a little bit about yourself.
    2) Tell us a little bit about your tank(s).  Don't worry if you're just getting started, we were all there once.
    3) If you don't have a tank yet, tell us a little bit about what you'd like to do in the hobby.[/face=Calibri>My name is Eric, and I’m a reefaholic.My name is Eric, and I’m a reefaholic.I now live in North Liberty with my wife and 16 month old son, and this is my story:

    I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.I now live in North Liberty with my wife and 16 month old son, and this is my story:[/face=Calibri size=3>1) Tell us a little bit about yourself.
    2) Tell us a little bit about your tank(s).  Don't worry if you're just getting started, we were all there once.
    3) If you don't have a tank yet, tell us a little bit about what you'd like to do in the hobby.[/size=3>My name is Eric, and I’m a reefaholic.1) Tell us a little bit about yourself.
    2) Tell us a little bit about your tank(s).  Don't worry if you're just getting started, we were all there once.
    3) If you don't have a tank yet, tell us a little bit about what you'd like to do in the hobby.[/size=3>My name is Eric, and I’m a reefaholic.I now live in North Liberty with my wife and 16 month old son, and this is my story:

    I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.My name is Eric, and I’m a reefaholic.I now live in North Liberty with my wife and 16 month old son, and this is my story:

    I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.My name is Eric, and I’m a reefaholic.I now live in North Liberty with my wife and 16 month old son, and this is my story:

    I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.From this I moved to a larger (30gallon) tank, the high-tech under gravel filter and hang on filter combo, with color enhancing plant grow lighting.I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.From this I moved to a larger (30gallon) tank, the high-tech under gravel filter and hang on filter combo, with color enhancing plant grow lighting.All was fine until the summer of 2003.I had a freshwater tank, if I remember, non-stop until 1989 when I took a break.[/face=Calibri size=3>All was fine until the summer of 2003.All was fine until the summer of 2003.I was buying Cichlids from the now extinct Pet Degree in Iowa City (anyone remember them?I was buying Cichlids from the now extinct Pet Degree in Iowa City (anyone remember them?I was telling my now wife about all of this saltwater “stuff” that I didn’t need and really didn’t know what to do with when she had a thought – as I already had most of what I needed, why didn’t I at least try saltwater as in her words, “the fish are so pretty”.I was telling my now wife about all of this saltwater “stuff” that I didn’t need and really didn’t know what to do with when she had a thought – as I already had most of what I needed, why didn’t I at least try saltwater as in her words, “the fish are so pretty”.So I was off!So I was off!I managed to have good luck with this tank as well.I managed to have good luck with this tank as well.I took this tank into our new house in 2006, and was always looking to upgrade.I took this tank into our new house in 2006, and was always looking to upgrade.Dream didn’t last long as we decided we were going to move in the fall of 2007 and I sold not only the 180 but broke down and sold my 75 and livestock/sump/lighting/etc.[/face=Calibri size=3>All was fine until the summer of 2003.I was buying Cichlids from the now extinct Pet Degree in Iowa City (anyone remember them?I was “tankless” until my wife found a deal on an Oceanic 14 gallon biocube in July 2008.Dream didn’t last long as we decided we were going to move in the fall of 2007 and I sold not only the 180 but broke down and sold my 75 and livestock/sump/lighting/etc.[/face=Calibri size=3>I was “tankless” until my wife found a deal on an Oceanic 14 gallon biocube in July 2008.I was “tankless” until my wife found a deal on an Oceanic 14 gallon biocube in July 2008.About a month ago, my wife told me that she had found some “deals” on used tanks in the area (bad idea), but I now believe that she was buttering me up for a new puppy (which she now has!).[/size=3>My name is Eric, and I’m a reefaholic.My name is Eric, and I’m a reefaholic.I now live in North Liberty with my wife and 16 month old son, and this is my story:

    I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.My name is Eric, and I’m a reefaholic.I now live in North Liberty with my wife and 16 month old son, and this is my story:

    I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.From this I moved to a larger (30gallon) tank, the high-tech under gravel filter and hang on filter combo, with color enhancing plant grow lighting.I now live in North Liberty with my wife and 16 month old son, and this is my story:

    [face=Calibri size=3>I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.From this I moved to a larger (30gallon) tank, the high-tech under gravel filter and hang on filter combo, with color enhancing plant grow lighting.So we’re off and running once more!

    She informed me that she never liked the way my old tank looked, but didn’t care as it was in the basement.About a month ago, my wife told me that she had found some “deals” on used tanks in the area (bad idea), but I now believe that she was buttering me up for a new puppy (which she now has!).[/face=Calibri size=3>I was “tankless” until my wife found a deal on an Oceanic 14 gallon biocube in July 2008.About a month ago, my wife told me that she had found some “deals” on used tanks in the area (bad idea), but I now believe that she was buttering me up for a new puppy (which she now has!).[/face=Calibri size=3>So we’re off and running once more![/face=Calibri size=3>I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.I started with fish when I was around 10 years old, and to show my age that was in 1978/1979.From this I moved to a larger (30gallon) tank, the high-tech under gravel filter and hang on filter combo, with color enhancing plant grow lighting.So we’re off and running once more!

    She informed me that she never liked the way my old tank looked, but didn’t care as it was in the basement.She informed me that she never liked the way my old tank looked, but didn’t care as it was in the basement.So we’re off and running once more!

    She informed me that she never liked the way my old tank looked, but didn’t care as it was in the basement.So we’re off and running once more!

    She informed me that she never liked the way my old tank looked, but didn’t care as it was in the basement.After looking at several tanks, we’ve (she’s) decided on a bow front.: yes">  [/size=3>I had about 110 pounds of live rock in my 75 which I now think was too much.So we’re off and running once more![/face=Calibri size=3>So we’re off and running once more![/size=3>She informed me that she never liked the way my old tank looked, but didn’t care as it was in the basement.So we’re off and running once more!

    She informed me that she never liked the way my old tank looked, but didn’t care as it was in the basement.So we’re off and running once more!

    She informed me that she never liked the way my old tank looked, but didn’t care as it was in the basement.After looking at several tanks, we’ve (she’s) decided on a bow front.
  2. Troy

    Troy Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Welcome to gir's eric
  3. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Welcome Eric!!

    Sounds like you got a good start, keep us posted as things progress, and take lots of pics.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We have allot of members that are eager to help in any way we can!!


  4. h2so4hurts

    h2so4hurts Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yes, there are tang police here, but I think if you get Juvies and get rid of them before they out grow the tank that you'll be ok /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/tongue.gif I'm in North Liberty too, about 1/4 mile from Hung's place...
  5. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Welcome to GIRS. Good to have more folks in the CR/IC area.


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