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Need help setting up AC3pro

Discussion in 'Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Region' started by ckoeppel, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. ckoeppel

    ckoeppel Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hi guys!  I recently purchased a used AC3pro and am at a loss as to how to set it up.  I could really use some help if anyone is up to it.  I live in Shellsburg which is 15 minutes from C.R. (Right by Palo)  I would really appreciate it!
  2. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0

    The first thing you need to do is figure out what you want to do with it. I'm assuming that you have a DC-8 to plug everything into. What do you plan to plug into each of the outlets and what schedule to you want them on?

  3. ckoeppel

    ckoeppel Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I have a dc8, temp probe, orp probe, two PH probes and its hooked up to a wireless router.  I want to control lighting and temp first, but I also just bought a Typhoon 3 extreme RO/DI that I would like it to control as well once it is hooked up.  I'm planning on adding a calcium reactor and using one of the PH probes with that, but haven't bought one yet.  I downloaded Reeftracker, but need to set up the controller first .
  4. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    Hi Chris,
    I am very sorry. I vaguely remember you emailed or PMed or something and I didn't reply this weekend. I have been swamped and am always swamped so no excuse. I am happy to help and remember a little about what you told me about what you bought.
    Actually, now that I think about it. Did you text me? I think I replied to that. Anyway, shoot away on here, PM or email and I will do what I can.
  5. ckoeppel

    ckoeppel Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks Joel! 
    I am going to try and set the controller to its default this morning and go from there.  I think it would be much easier if I could control it from a computer, but I can't figure out how to do that.
  6. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    It is much easier from a computer.
    Get an ethernet cable long enough to go from your controller to your DSL router. Hopefully thats what you have. Then find in your controller instructions how to lookup your IP address on the controller. If this was new I would know what it is but since its not .... We will be changing this anyway.
    Then on your computer go to a DOS prompt, you will find this in Programs-accessories. At DOS type IPConfig.
    Give me all of this IP information when you have it.
  7. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Here's a sample program that was on my AC3 when I purchased it. For me, just seeing examples helps me to figure out what to do. I hope they are helpful for you.

    Timer Names:

    Program Statements:
    If Time > 00:00 Then RTN ON
    If Time > 00:00 Then FSH ON
    If Time > 00:00 Then CRB ON
    If Time > 00:00 Then SKM ON
    If Time > 00:00 Then AIR OFF
    If Time > 00:00 Then ZEP ON
    If Time > 00:00 Then LTF OFF
    If Time > 14:00 Then LT1 ON
    If Time > 22:30 Then LT1 OFF
    If Time > 17:00 Then MH1 ON
    If Time > 21:30 Then MH1 OFF
    If Time > 17:30 Then MH2 ON
    If Time > 22:00 Then MH2 OFF
    If Temp < 79.0 Then HET ON
    If Temp = 79.0 Then HET ON
    If Temp > 79.0 Then HET OFF
    If Temp > 79.5 Then LTF ON
    If Temp > 79.9 Then CHL ON
    If Temp < 79.3 Then CHL OFF
    Max Change 020 M Then CHL OFF
    If Temp > 80.5 Then FAN ON
    If Temp = 80.5 Then FAN ON
    If Temp < 80.5 Then FAN OFF
    If Timer MH1 = ON Then TZ1 PF1
    If Timer MH1 = ON Then TZ2 PF2
    If Timer MH1 = OFF Then TZ1 PF3
    If Timer MH1 = OFF Then TZ2 PF4
    If Timer MH1 = ON Then TZ3 PF1
    If Timer MH1 = ON Then TZ4 PF2
    If Timer MH1 = OFF Then TZ3 PF3
    If Timer MH1 = OFF Then TZ4 PF4
    Pmp MODE sD for PF1
    Pmp Int 000/040 for PF1
    Pmp OSC 07/07/00 for PF1
    Pmp MODE SD for PF2
    Pmp Int 000/040 for PF2
    Pmp OSC 00/07/07 for PF2
    Pmp MODE sD for PF3
    Pmp Int 000/035 for PF3
    Pmp OSC 07/07/00 for PF3
    Pmp MODE SD for PF4
    Pmp Int 000/035 for PF4
    Pmp OSC 00/07/07 for PF4
    If Time > 10:00 Then AIR ON
    If Time > 10:01 Then AIR OFF
    If Time > 22:20 Then AIR ON
    If Time > 22:21 Then AIR OFF
    If Timer AIR = ON Then CRB OFF
    Max Change 005 M Then CRB OFF
    If Temp > 81.5 Then MH1 OFF
    Max Change 060 M Then MH1 OFF
    If Temp > 82.5 Then MH2 OFF
    Max Change 060 M Then MH2 OFF
    If Time > 09:00 Then ALM ON
    If Time > 09:01 Then ALM OFF
    If Time > 16:00 Then ALM ON
    If Time > 16:01 Then ALM OFF
    If Time > 20:00 Then ALM ON
    If Time > 20:01 Then ALM OFF
    If Temp < 76.0 Then ALM ON
    If Temp > 82.0 Then ALM ON
    If pH < 07.20 Then ALM ON
    If pH > 08.50 Then ALM ON
    If pH2 < 07.10 Then CO2 OFF
    If pH2 > 07.15 Then CO2 ON
    If FeedA 000 Then TZ1 OFF
    If FeedA 000 Then TZ2 OFF
    If FeedA 000 Then RTN OFF
    If FeedA 000 Then SKM OFF
    If FeedB 000 Then TZ1 OFF
    If FeedB 000 Then TZ2 OFF
    If FeedC 000 Then RTN OFF
    If FeedC 000 Then CRB OFF
    If FeedC 000 Then SKM OFF
    If FeedD 000 Then SKM OFF
  8. ckoeppel

    ckoeppel Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks AJ and Joel! I think I figured out the wireless router today but had to go to work before I could test it. I have read the manual front to back, but it still seems a little over my head.
  9. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I agree. I read it too and it does not provide the basics for getting started. There is some good info in there, but I was lost on it too. I understand it a little better now, but that's certainly relative compared to many others in the club.

  10. ckoeppel

    ckoeppel Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    So I finally have the AC working with my network and changed the settings on my router to allow for incoming info from the internet, but haven't figured out how to make it work quite yet.  I have a dynamic DNS so I set up what I think is a dummy site through a free web service.  This is obviously not quite right because the dummy site does not open.  I know the info I'm giving iis vague, but I really have no idea what I'm doing./DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/unsure.gif  Any suggestions as to how to make sure it is set up right so I can access the AC from out of network?
  11. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    OK, so from what I can see, it appears that your DSL router is on port 80. Try port 81 and see if you have better luck. Now, that test was using your IP address and not your DynDNS, so I have no idea how that part is working.

  12. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    Here is the issue ....
    The IP address you have assigned DynDNS or you are using directly in an URL is the address of your router correct? That is the problem, it is the address of your router not the AC becuase your AC uses a private network address that the outside world cannot see. You have to use a feature on your router called port forwarding, hopefully it has it. I would do as AJ said, set PORT 81 (or another port) to forward traffic to the IP address of you AC. Then all should be well with the world.
    Then when calling port 80 and you ip address you will get to your router and when you use port 81 you will get to your AC. I would actually reccomend using a port other than 81 that only you know. Maybe something like 13000.
    http:// will go to router
    http://:13000 will go to you AC
    I typed this very quickly, sorry if it doesn't make sense. Have to run.
  13. ckoeppel

    ckoeppel Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I changed the port and that didn't seem to help which leads me to believe that I did not set up the dummy site right.  I did not use DYNDNS and am thinking that I should have since my linksys router is set up to use their service.  Does using their service cost money?  It looked like it would cost around $80-$90 through them or am I not looking at the right stuff?  Thanks for the support everyone!  I feel pretty helpless.[​IMG]
  14. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    First, forget about DynDNS until you get it working. Use a site like http://whatismyipaddress.com/ to determine your current IP address. It doesn't change until you reboot your router. Then type this IP from a browser you should get the login screen for your linksys router, if not something is wrong. Then you need to port forward. Unless you have more than one static IP address you will have to Port forward port 80 or another port to your AC. I would not reccomend 80 because that should be your router.
    Sorry I am tied up in a conference. I can help talk you thorugh it or log into your computer remotely this weekend. Read my last post carefully, it still stands.

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