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Mermaids cove stocklist

Discussion in '2018' started by mermaidscove, Oct 30, 2018.

  1. mermaidscove Vendor

    Joliet, IL
    +12 / 0 / -0
    $45 sm Blue Hippo

    $55 med Blue Hippo

    $65 mlBlue Hippo

    $25 Coral Beauty

    $10 Citron Goby

    $10 Court Jester Goby

    $ Dog Face Puffer

    $20 Fiji Orange Tail Puffer

    $ Bicolor Fox Face

    $ Doliatus Rabbit Fish

    $ Scopas Tang

    $ Red Coris Wrasse

    $ Melanurus Wrasse

    $ Red Breasted Wrasse

    $ Sling Jaw Wrasse

    $20 Banded Pipe Fish

    $20 Bicolor Goat Fish

    $35 Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse

    $20 Keyhole Angel

    $15 Purple Fire Fish

    $30 Orange Shoulder Tang Juvenile

    $25 Purple Queen Anthias

    $65 Goldrim Tang

    $60 Black cap basslet

    $15 Royal gramma

    $15 Yellow coris

    $90 Cuban hogfish

    $60 Spanish hogfish

    $15 Pearly jawfish

    $15 Red tree sponge

    $10 Rainbow ricordia

    $150 12” naso with streamers

    $55 Deep water gorg

    $10 Rainbow monti

    $5 XLGreen chromis buy 3 get one free

    $10 Hawaii feather duster

    $30 3” porcupine puffers

    $30 Blue eye kole

    $30 Caribbean Blue Tang
    $50 Powdered blue tang
    $25 Convict tang sm

    $35 Convict Tang Lg
    $20 Lyre tail anthias female
    $20 Cleaner wrasse eating frozen
    $20 Bicolor angelfish
    $25 Royal blue pigmy angel
    $20 Millet seed Butterfly
    $60 Unicorn Tang
    $55 Potters Angel

    $10 Fighting conch

    $35 Leopard wrasse

    $15 Chalk bass

    $45 Male bird wrasse

    $35 Female bird wrasse

    $100 Dussemeri tang 8”

    $75 7” sailfin tang

    $25 Naso bervious small

    $80 Golden tail moray

    $50 Barracuda

    $15 Golden coral banded

    $50 Red st. Thomas mushroom

    $25 Green st. Thomas mushrooms

    $55 Flame angel
    $15 8 Line Wrasse
    $50 Tomoni tang
    $20 Red stripe hawk fish
    $30 Hawaii sail fin
    $35 Black Ridge moray eel
    $150 Green moray eel
    $90 Zebra moray eel
    $25 Toad fish
    $45 fu man chu lion

    $35 Caribbean lionfish
    $40 Matta tang
    $30 Miscellaneous clown fish
    $10 Clown Fish
    $10 mandarian

    $10 spotted mandarian
    $20 Squirrel fish
    $800 Crosshatch trigger female hybrid fish
    SALE $15 Tank raised bangii Cardinals
    $20 Millet seed butterfly
    $15 White spot Toby puffer

    $15 valatini toby

    $15 false-eyed toby

    $50 regal angel

    $55 female swallowtail angel

    $25 copperband
    $30 Regal lobster
    $80 Four line wrasse pair
    $300 Latz clownfish pair
    $10 Flame scallop
    $35 Spiny oyster
    $30 Hawaii Strawberry Crab
    $15 Coral Banded Shrimp
    $20 Black tube anemone

    $25 Dusky JawFish

    $20 Blue Side Fairy Wrasse

    $300 Flame Wrasse Pair

    $100 Female Flame Wrasse

    $30 Yellow Tang

    $20 Half Black Angel

    $50 Bicolor Antheis

    $75 Mag. Fox Face

    $35 Fox Face

    $100 Lemon Peel Pair

    $20 Lubbocks Wrasse

    $100 Blue Jaw Trigger Male

    $10 Horseshoe Crabs

    $15 Condy Anemone

    3/$5 tongaNass snail

    2/$5 Scarlet hermits

    $5 olive snail

    10/$5 astera

    10/$5 blue leg hermits

    $5 electric blue hermit

    $5 Caribbean cucumber

    $5 emerald crab

    $5 Short spine urchin

    $5 pincushion urchin

    $5 pencil urchin

    3/$5 Ceriths Snails

    2/$5 Red Banded Trochus

    2/$5 Tiger Turbo Snails

    $5 Chocolate Chip Stars

    $5 Sand Sifting Star

    $ Bubble Tip Anemone
  2. Chief Reef Well-Known ReefKeeper GIRS Member

    Cedar Rapids
    +123 / 0 / -0
    That's a long list
  3. Pygmey Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +119 / 1 / -0
    PM sent
  4. mermaidscove Vendor

    Joliet, IL
    +12 / 0 / -0
    thanks. there is always a huge list of stuff we rotate in the store and iowa always have the amazing shipping price of $10 next day for a $100 min order
  5. Actuary Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Adel, IA
    +145 / 1 / -0
    Wow those are some great prices. Are these on a website or how do we arrange an order?
  6. mermaidscove Vendor

    Joliet, IL
    +12 / 0 / -0
    you can message us on here, facebook, mermaidscovefish@yahoo.com and call 12-7 t-friday 815-474-0558 but will be closed at 4 today for the holiday

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