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Live Rock Purchase

Discussion in 'Des Moines & Ames Region' started by mnballard, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. mnballard


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Just in case anyone is interested, I'm buying 90 lbs of live rock from a guy by Davenport.  He has another 180 lbs for sale on ebay like I bought for about $2.00 per pound in a buy it now on Ebay.  I'm going to get mine on Wednesday.  If someone else around here bought the other lot, I would be able to haul it back with me in my SUV.  My son is going with me so there probably wouldn't be room for anyone else in the truck if we have that much rock. 
    I am in NO way vouching for this person or this rock in particular!  I don't have anything to gain if this is sold or not either.  I figured for $2.00 per pound, it's worth a shot.  It looks like he is selling a lot of stuff off out of his house.  If anyone is interested, e-mail me mnballard@msn.com.  Figure if anyone is interested, it could be good for all. 

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