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Lid or No Lid

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bobsfish, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. bobsfish

    bobsfish Experienced Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    I'm new to saltwater...so go easy on me. I've had freshwater tanks for many years, but recently took the jump into salt. I started up a 60gallon tank - it has a 260w Current Orbit compact flourescent, an AquaC Remora hang-on protein skimmer, and about 520gph of circulation from the filter and rotating power head. I put 60lbs of dry rock in the tank - some from Eco Rox online and some locally that came from a prior reef tank. I used Aragomax for the substrate. To jump start the bio, I put in 3lbs of cured rock and 5 lbs of live sand from Sea of Marvels. I recently put in a clownfish. I have a couple of questions that I'm hoping to get some help with....
    1) How soon would it be recommended to put put in a cleanup crew, or other crustaceans?
    2) How soon would it be recommended to put in any soft corals?
    3) I currently have a glass lid on the tank. The LFS where I bought it said that I will lose a lot of water from evaporation without it, which I'm sure is true. I don't have a RO unit, so buying water would get pricey if I had to top-off every day. I know the lid will get some salt collection and filter some of my light....but, if cleaned the lid once or twice a week, would that still work ok for soft corals?
    Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer. Bob
  2. mralanjones

    mralanjones Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I am also new to the hobby. I have had both a lid and not. I prefer not to have a lid so I don't have to clean it.  I have a 55 gallon and have to top off about a gallon every two to three days.
  3. dzabler

    dzabler Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    i also have used a glass top and now i do not use them. I have read they can block up to 40% of light. As for topping off you could look into getting an auto-top off system, I love mine. You can get them online for aroung $50(autotopoff.com). I just use a 5 gallon bucket and have to fill it once every week to week and a half (i have about 65 gallons in my system). I can get RO for like $3.71 with tax for 10 gallons at my LFS which isnt that bad. As for putting more live stock in I would have your water tested, most LFS test it for free. How long has your system been up and running? Make sure everything is cycled before you start spending money on thing that will die after going in your tank. The best thing for a new tank is time, it sucks to look at your tank when there is nothing in there but in the long run it is sooo worth it. As for the clean up crew how much algea do you have in the tank? This is all part of the cycling process and most should go away after time. You might want to get some more live rock, this will only speed up your cycling process. good luck and welcome to the big leagues
  4. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    +19 / 0 / -0
    The lid will trap in heat, block light, and won't allow good gas exchange on the surface of the water. The gas exchange is very important for breaking down dissolved minerals and oxygenating the water. I put a glass top on my tank for a day and it got about 5 degrees hotter, just keep a close eye on it.
  5. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    Lids are very important as almost every kind of fish can/will jump. I have seen clowns, tangs, wrasses, gobies, laying on floors.

    It is best to use egg crate or similar materials. (although smaller fish can make it though the eg crate)

    On a 60 gallone with PC's you wont have all that much evaporation, maybe a gallon or 2 a week I would guess. It is when you get Metal Halides that the evaporation really takes off.

    I would add some of a clean up crew right away. They will start eating detrius & keep the algae at bay. It is alot easier to prevent algae then to fight it when it gets out of control.

    You can probably add some softies any time, they are pretty tough & good starters.

    I started with a few kenya trees, green star polyps, and a couple leathers.

    Dont skimp on your water changes. 5-10 gallons a week will do wonders on keeping your tank healthy & looking good. This will be really critical in the first 2 months as this is when your tank will be cycling & chances for amonia to build up will be at its highest.

    There are alot of different opinions on about every subject & you will get alot of advice. I would research all recomendations before you jump into them.

    Good luck & feel free to ask any questions

  6. CyberJester

    CyberJester Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By xroads on 04/15/2009 05:49 AM
    It is best to use egg crate or similar materials. (although smaller fish can make it though the eg crate)
    If the little fella can make it through the egg crate then it is just plain suicidal and probably deserves to be laid to rest [​IMG]
  7. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    I curently don't use glass tops but I use to back when I had power compacts. What type of filter do you have if it is a hang on the back keep the top or you you will end up with a junk light from salt creep.I would say if your tank is cycled you can add some good starter softies now and if you want I will give you some mushrooms, kenya tree,and clove polyps free. Add a small crew now would probaly be best.
  8. Phathead

    Phathead Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    My hawk fish after 4 years just took the leap through the little gap where you have lids on without the back piece of plastic so the filters would fit. So not even glass stops that sometimes. I still prefer no glass though.
  9. bobsfish

    bobsfish Experienced Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Posted By Bill on 04/15/2009 11:11 AM
    ...if it is a hang on the back keep the top or you you will end up with a junk light from salt creep.I would say if your tank is cycled you can add some good starter softies now and if you want I will give you some mushrooms, kenya tree,and clove polyps free. Add a small crew now would probaly be best. What happens with a HOT filter that it junks the light? ...splatter/spray? And thanks for the offer of some soft corals - that'd be a great start.
  10. bobsfish

    bobsfish Experienced Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Posted By xroads on 04/15/2009 05:49 AM
    It is best to use egg crate or similar materials. (although smaller fish can make it though the eg crate)
    I would add some of a clean up crew right away. They will start eating detrius & keep the algae at bay. It is alot easier to prevent algae then to fight it when it gets out of control.
    Are you putting the egg crate between the light and the water surface? I would think that would also cause some light filtration.
    Thanks for the input on the cleanup crew.
  11. bobsfish

    bobsfish Experienced Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    thanks for all the feedback ... I think the overwhelming opinion is to get rid of the glass lid and use an alternative to keep the fish from jumping. I'd like to get a reef-friendly wrasse and I'm pretty sure those are jumpers.
  12. Phathead

    Phathead Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    I had a couple of flasher wrasses they never jumped for me other than the fisrt day cause everything was unfamilar to them. After adjusting they were a great addition to my reef.
  13. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    I didn't mean a hot filter I was just saying that a hang on the back overflow filter causes a lot of salt creep witch is when salt creeps out of your tank and corodes to stuff and with a open top it is sure to corode all over your light.But if you have a sump or canister filter it should be fine.
  14. bobsfish

    bobsfish Experienced Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Posted By Bill on 04/15/2009 08:00 PM
    I didn't mean a hot filter I was just saying that a hang on the back overflow filter causes a lot of salt creep witch is when salt creeps out of your tank and corodes to stuff and with a open top it is sure to corode all over your light.But if you have a sump or canister filter it should be fine. got it....I'm already seeing that with the protein skimmer - it hangs on the back and I'm getting salt creep on it already....guess that's the benefit of a sump...keep everything off the sides of the tank!!
    ....and so that's Lesson#1 for me!!

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