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Just when you think everything is going great...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ZLTFUL, Aug 1, 2008.


    ZLTFUL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    So the last couple of days my Royal Gramma has been acting really odd. He has not been hiding in his cave and has been lying really close to the bottom of the tank in one location not moving...not moving so much in fact that I had to double check to make sure he isn't dead. When I got in there with the net, he quickly swam away into he back corner of the tank where he retook his lethargic disposition. He moves when provoked but otherwise just hangs out half curled and resting on the bottom.
    On tp of that, my gorgeus frogspawn is losing 2 heads. The just sort of shrunk up like they were closed from te clowns when they get wound up. But now they look like they are about todrop off the stalk.
    I checked water params and they tested normal as they have always been (0 Am, 0 trites, ~5 trates, 8.2 pH, SG 1.026). Just to be safe though, I did a 10 gallon water change last night.
    Any ideas?
    The fish is disappointing but I am worried about my frogspawn...[​IMG]
  2. Travis

    Travis Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Check your temp. This time of year temp swings can really be tough on corals. It can also affect oxygen levels in the tank as increased temp lowers oxygen and having the house closed up to run the air increases CO2.

    ZLTFUL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Good point...just wierd though because all of the other corals and fish are doing well. Temp is 78-80 night or day.
    The Royal Gramma has been a little more active but it looks like my Frogspawn is going to lose 3 heads total. *scream*
  4. Travis

    Travis Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Get some flow near the frogspawn. It will help keep the brown jelly from affecting the other heads. There are also iodine dips you can use for LPS, but I have never done it personally.

    ZLTFUL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Flow definitely isn't a problem around the frogspawn...2 MJ1200s are basically blowing right into it and its always moved pretty dang well. Very disappointed though because this was a beautiful coral with 12 heads...now...not so much.

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