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JTown..This is getting OLD

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nuccatree, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. nuccatree


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Sorry to say that I am still having issues with Justin (JTown) in regards to selling me a skimmer that he old me 2 months ago that was to ship to me.  He has my money, cashed and cleared sent via USPS.  He was to ship it and now I have heard from him 3 times in the last 6 weeks.  Each time he pleads to excuse his tradiness and that he is never like this which he does not want his rep on the reef site tarnished.  That is all fine and good, but he NEEDS to make good on his agreement by this weekend, or mail fraud papers wil be drawn up against him next week. 
    This is a good lesson for us all to know that if you have a check sent to you for payment of an item and you cash it without sending the goods in a reasonable time you are commiting mail fraud, which is a federal offense, not just down at the local court house.
    If you know Justin (JTown) I would urge you to notify him to either send me the skimmer (perferred) return my funds in a certified check or wait for his letter to notifiy him of his legal obligations. As you can probably tell, I am at the end of my rope with this issue and the lack of communication between him and I is the biggest problem.
    I do want to extend my thanks though to those that have helped track him down and give him my messages.  It is a bit Jr. High'ish but I have a feeling that is what I am working with.
    Thanks again, and if anyone can assist, it would be appreciated. 
  2. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    That's pretty messed up of him to do you like that. I don't know eather of you but please give him one more week before you file charges. A felony charge can ruin someones life and that's not worth it for a skimmer. But i do understand your frustration.
  3. nuccatree


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Honestly, I don't want to go through the hassle, but each time he gives me another story and another promise. Sometime you have to realize you are living in the real world and there are real consequences.
  4. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    I have been in contact with both Heath and Justin during all of this. I don't think Justin is on-line at this time so won't be reading this. I have also asked Heath to wait until Tuesday as Justin told me today that he has shipped the skimmer with Heaths money inside the skimmer. So by Tuesday Heath should have both.
    This is very unfortunate and I am sincerely hoping it is all an incredible amount of bad luck and misunderstanding. I have never met Heath but Justin has always been a stand up guy and a benefit to the club.
  5. nuccatree


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for your assistance! We have been down this road once before so I how there is a end in sight. It is really becoming funny since each time my wife sees me on GIRS she ask, so how's that skimmer coming. But now it looks like I will be looking of another one since I just bought the 60g Cube. :) How many tanks does one really need?
  6. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    It's not how many tanks you need, it's how many tanks you can't live without. ;-)
  7. ninjazx777 Experienced Reefkeeper

    Des Moines, IA
    +7 / 1 / -0
    i think its more like how many tanks can i fit into my house

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