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Iowa Aquatics Swap Meet Q&A

Discussion in 'Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Region' started by AJ, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    As many of you have seen, we have been invited to the Iowa Aquatics Swap Meet on the 30th of this month.  There have been some questions about this event so I thought I would try to clarify things in this thread.

    What is this event?

    This event is one of the swap meets that the Iowa Aquaria Association holds.  Similar to the Des Moines area swap that GIRS had in the spring, in that they have independent sellers with a mix of equipment and livestock available.  They also have a raffle.

    What's the GIRS role in this event?

    We were approached to provide information about GIRS and to supplement our knowledge of saltwater aquaria for those that are interested.  Iowa Aquaria is primarily a freshwater organization, but they do have a saltwater forum and some of their members have expressed interest to know more about this topic.  They also have a goal of providing information to the aquarium hobby in general.  We're hoping that GIRS can provide some of that knowledge in answering questions on-site and letting people know about the GIRS site and how it can be a resource to them.
    JB and Troy will be at the event answering questions and giving information about the club.  We are also looking for photos so that we can create a photo album of some of the amazing tanks in the club.  I've gotten a few pics to date, but I would like more to make it really impressive.  And I'm not just looking for reef tanks...if you have a good FOWLR tank or seahorse tank, I would appreciate some pics of them too.
    Who should go?
    I would say that anyone that has freshwater tanks should definitely go to check it out.  I'm sure there will be good deals available.  If you're a gambling person that wants to try selling some corals, I'm not sure what the market would be like, but it might be worth a try.  Tables are inexpensive so the biggest gamble will be for your time.
    So when is it and where is it?
       Saturday Sunday, August 30th, 2009 - 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
       Country Inn and Suites
       2571 Heartland Place
       Coralville, Iowa
    Who should I contact with additional questions?
    Post any additional questions on this thread and I will answer them.  If I don't have the answers, I will contact IAA to get the correct information.

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