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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by gravattj, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. gravattj

    gravattj Inactive User

    +1 / 0 / -0
    I joined GIRS a few weeks back and thought it was time for me to post something about myself (the post about a free frag didn't hurt).  I live in North Liberty and started with a 12 gallon aquapod about 3 years ago.  Then a year and a half ago I upgraded to a 75 gal tank.  Until about 1 month ago I have had fish only.  A friend was kind enough to donate some mushroom anemone coral which are doing well.  I have always been tentative about starting corals because of my angel fish, but so far no problems.
    Tank eq includes:
    koralia 4
    koralia 3
    MegaFlow Sump Filter Model 2
    octopus 110 skimmer
    uv sterilizer
    t5 lights (2-54W Daylight and 2-54W Actinic lamps)
    about 80 pounds of live rock
    emperor angel
    blue tang
    coral beauty
    2 tomato clowns (mated pair)
    cleaner wrasse
    diamond goby
    royal gamma
    cleaner shrimp

    peppermint shrimp
    blue leg crabs
    carpet anemone
    general starfish
    mushroom anemone
  2. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Welcome to the club and see you Saturday.
  3. DavidM199

    DavidM199 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    This is a great place to increase your corals. In no time you will have a full tank
  4. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Welcome to GIRS!

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