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Hammer coral bubbling, is this normal?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by adampottebaum, May 19, 2009.

  1. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper

    +19 / 0 / -0
    Hey, my hammer coral is bubbling really big on one head right where the mouth is. It is about the size of a dime big. It's been like this since Monday and I'd hoped it would fix itself. Does anyone know if this is a bad thing or if it will go away on its own. Is there a way to get it down? Taking a pin to it is the only thing I can think of but I don't think that would be good for the coral. The tentacles on the head that's swollen still appear normal.
    It stays inflated overnight, if that helps to ID the situation at all. This is taken with my crappy camera and a flashlight. I will take a better picture of it tomorrow if it's still inflated.
    Any help is apreciated.
  2. gb387

    gb387 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I have had some torch do the same and seemed to recover with out a problem... took a week or two but all is well now.
  3. Eric Experienced Reefkeeper

    West Des Moines, IA
    +33 / 0 / -0
    Don't pop it!
    This is normal, frogspawn does the same thing - typically this means the head is getting ready to split [​IMG]
  4. Rustin

    Rustin Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I had my frogspawn do that. I thought it was caused by my tank being full of micro bubbles so i popped it after about a week and it went away and all was fine. If its normal then i guess leave it.
  5. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper

    +19 / 0 / -0
    Good, it's nice to know that other people have experienced this. If it is getting ready to split then even better. Thanks for the help guys.
  6. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    yea they do that.. no worries...

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