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Green anemone with pink tips

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by slovan, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I recently started a nano clown tank and got this anemone through a trade.  I plan to keep it pretty simple but I am afraid it will end up with a bunch of corals in it. /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/biggrin.gif
  2. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    Cool I just got this same nem in a trade and put it in my sons nano.
  3. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Nice! Where did you get yours? I got mine from a guy named Brian down in TX.
  4. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Nice! That's a cool looking anemone!

  5. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    +5 / 0 / -0
    Reminds me a GIANT Mojono.
  6. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    I got mine from a member by the name of reddog. He got the first one from st louis. His has split 3 times. I have one of them so i think he has two left. So if anyone wants to get one of these he may have one left.
  7. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    Sone take me off your list for those tubs blues. Wavers broke the bank with the ca reactor im getting from him.
    Sorry Bill
  8. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hey Bill, no worries. I am happy you scored on the reactor you needed! :)
  9. DavidM199

    DavidM199 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    and you would know what they look like!!!

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