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Frag Fest

Discussion in '2011' started by Guest, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0

    I guess last time i went to frag fest i was dissapointed alittle.  The vendors were great, dont get me wrong, I enjoyed the experince, and recommend it to everyone.  Me being new some people were very helpful, and some were out to make a profit, good thing i kept business cards. 
    But back to the event itself.  I guess i read it wrong last time and made a point to stay the whole time because I thought there were door prizes, instead of raffle.  Though i see the point of the raffle, i think it would be a good idea to have door prizes.  Nothing like seeing a raffle where one dude buys 200 tickets for same items, makes me not want to even buy any. Some of us dont have that kind of money to throw around and would rather spend it on frags.  Door prizes can be cheap and just help get people in the door.  Plus were all paying a enter fee.  I dont know if the club needs the money for the door charge or if its to help offset the cost, but would have to wonder the kinds of crowds we could draw if there were no door fee.  My point being if i wanted to look at coral i could just stay home and look at liveaquaria or something, not to mention the cost of time and drive for myself.
    Again dont get me wrong, I thank you for putting it on, it was great learning experince for me.
    Also tips for vendors, if i say im new and explain what i got, be honest dont waste my time if you feel im wasting yours.  On a positive side I want to thank the vendors that were helpful, that explained what i could have and what i couldn't.  Those are the ones that make it all worth it.  Have to be honest the littler vendors were better imo.

    Now that I have more knowledge cant wait for march plus it will be on my 30th bday, bday discount anyone?
  2. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hey Chappy,
    Members get raffle tickets free...so in essence, for those who choose to support the club with annual dues, it could be considered similar to door prizes. These events cost the club thousands of dollars to put on. Flying in knowledgeable speakers, putting them up and paying their speaking fees, to paying for the venue, advertising, and materials needed to put on the show typically costs over $4,000 per show. And that doesn't even take into consideration the hundreds of volunteer hours that go into the event. The volunteers are no reimbursed for their time that they donate to the club. The entry fees alone do not cover the expenses for the show. We rely on the proceeds from the raffle and booth sales to make up the difference. While it would be nice to be able to give everything away free, that simply can't be done because of the expenses associated with the shows. If you can find a cost effective way to put on a show where we don't have to charge our attendees an entry fee, I would strongly encourage that you contact the club leadership and present your proposal.
    I would encourage you to try your luck with the raffle. I buy a fair number of tickets and I've never walked away with less than 4 to 5 times return on what I spend. Obviously that's not a guarantee that you'll win something, but look at the odds, they are pretty good.
    At the last show, I was selling frags for $5 each...and had about 7 or 8 different varieties to choose from . Tell me anywhere that you can get a frag of *anything* online for $5 a frag.
    If you don't see the kind of value that you would like to see, whether it be in the content presented, the vendors that are there, or the raffle, become a club member and make it better. Otherwise, all I can say is that we're doing the best we can with what we have.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0

    I wasnt trying to be all negetive.  And as a member you still pay a door charge, i have no idea how much you have to pay to put on these events.  Thats why I was giving ideas.  And im not saying i cant get great deals there.  And thats why i was suggesting SOME door prizes, to get more people in the door, therefor the club makes more money...
  4. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I appreciate your willingness to offer ideas and your desire to help. If you really want to help, I would encourage you to become a member and become involved with the event planning committee and you'll get the opportunity to discuss your ideas and put them to use if they are justifiably feasible. Thanks!

  5. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    To clarify, members paid $10 at the last fest for entry, but also received $10 worth of raffle tickets. You can view that as either 10 free tickets or free entrance to the event with the purchase of 10 tickets. I do believe the budgeting information is made public to members (if not, I suggest it should be). I think there may be a gross misunderstanding of how much these events cost, how much money they bring in, and what happens to the "profits" by many individuals (I seem to remember a similar thread with similar comments made about MACNA earnings). I think the idea of door prizes is good, however we would have to start charging more for them. Every once in a while we have received some SWAG to give out, usually in the form of aquarium additives. At $10 a ticket it's pretty tough to hand things out unless they are donated to the club to begin with (and again this has happened before). As for the raffle, I think it's pretty much a given that the person that puts the most tickets in on any given item has a higher chance of winning. Don't think of it as "that guy dropped $200" but rather "there are 1000 total tickets (guesstimate) and every dollar of mine gives me 1/1000 chance to win". It stands to reason, I think, that big ticket items are going to have more people gunning for them.
  6. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    dont forget also that not only do paid members get 10 free tickets, but for an additional $10 they can purchase the rest of the sheet. thats another 5 free tickets. Non members do not have this option.
  7. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,818 / 14 / -0
    I find that the best part of going to the fests is meeting the other people in the club and learning in person about all the products and corals. I am 0 for 2 on prizes in Sprint fest, and probably lost $ or broke even at MACNA so I'm not one to talk to about tickets!!!

    But, that being said, $10 for 4 hours of fest time IMO is money well spent even if you're not a member, and +1 for cheap frags that you don't have to pay shipping on and can take home WYSIWYG. I have a very, very difficult time coming home empty handed.
  8. erayk1 Well-Known ReefKeeper Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member

    Coralville, IA
    +35 / 0 / -0
    I also think the club does a great job putting on these events and have enjoyed the perks of being a member fully! I agree that helpful suggestions are needed to bring new ideas to the club, but that being said, it's the club members that are making all this possible. JOIN!
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Dont take this as stuck up but it needs to be ask, WIIFM, if i join the club, lol and dont tell me 10 free tickets...lol Also i think seeing the club expenises would help people. Im a numbers guy, I have no problem helping for overall benifet, as long as the money is well spent, dont want to pay dues to send Mthomp to sea world, and yes that is a joke. /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif
  10. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    We have a yearly Business meeting that all members are welcome and encouraged too attend. We go over all that and much much more. The BoD of this Non profit org do all their work as volunteers. We spend hours putting together the events, the trustees also spend a lot of time planning and conducting meetings. The amount of time people put in to organizing MACNA was in the 10's of 1000's. We do this because we have a passion for the hobby. membership dues pay for things like keeping this website up. fall fest and spring fest, regional budgets and much much more that every single member benefits from. Probably more so then the people actually making them happen.
  11. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,818 / 14 / -0
    It's fair to ask what's in it for you. Membership in the club extends beyond the fests. There are many regional events throughout the year, and participation in those requires that you are a dues-paying member, for club sponsored events. In the past year, I have attended the Christmas party, put together a filter sock group buy (40% off already low-priced products), attended a DIY LED meeting at Matt Nelsen's house (ninjazx777), and I also hosted a DIY food meeting and summer BBQ ($10 for a bag of food 2x as big as a bag of Rod's food). In the latter instance, buying 1 bag of DIY food alone for $10 plus yearly membership dues of $20 and you still came out ahead.

    Some people put together group buys that are open to anyone also, so it's not like you lose out on those completely. But anything that is sponsored by the club requires club membership to participate.

    There is also a buy/sell members-only forum and occasionally members make offers to sell something at a better price before offering it to everyone (doesn't happen often, honestly, but just trying to think of benefits I've seen)

    For many people, the forum is a great place to get questions answered and provide advice, and that's free so if that's all you really want, cool, no problem.

    But quite honestly, if it were only the 10 free tickets, meaning that you pay $20 to become a member, then pay $10 admission and you get 10 extra tickets, that in and of itself is not a great incentive. But it's a year-long benefit that you can definitely make back, it's just what you make of it.
  12. Killernights

    Killernights Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    just for the record we did have some free handouts at the raffle booth. Some water additives, salt creep eliminator, and one other thing that slips my mind at the moment
  13. bmurphy

    bmurphy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    you can barely get a sandwich for $20... I've had a great experience as a member-even after losing my a** in the last two raffles. the speaker at last years saved me twenty times the entry fee with the knowledge he shared with me. i think the speakers should get door prizes/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif
  14. bearsareawsome Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Norwalk, IA
    +1 / 0 / -0
    I suck at at the raffle some how.
  15. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Perhaps we could make a sticky or something regarding "what the membership fee gets me" to be able to direct people to?
  16. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Bela I think thats a great idea. One of the things I plan on working on with members help is a FAQ. This would defiantly fit that bill
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I do want to point out that it was not my intentions to "bad mouth" the culb, but to give ideas. I enjoy the club events, website, and over knowlegde that comes with both. I think the club has a good mix of people from beginer to expert.

    I do still think that one door prize would be a great idea, and here is why. Say you give away a $300 item, everyone that comes in get a ticket (only one) do the drawing at the end of the day. what does this do, one it could get more people to come, Two, and the bigger one, it will make people stay longer, ie spend more $, spend more time with eachother talk, And its overall good.

    I do also think club exspenses being made public is a great thing and here is why: 1 if i know what you spend it on im more likey to join. 2, people have skills, you might be paying for something that someone in the club could do for free, and jsut didnt know you needed it.

    Also like the idea of a club benifets page explaining WIIFM.
  18. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I do not think anyone took your constructive post as bad mouthing, at least I didn't.
    Feed back on these sort of things are highly encouraged. I don't have an answer to having the clubs financials posted some where on the page, I have mixed feelings about it but I will bring it up with the rest of the board, and it will be discussed. As far as having a door prize as you suggested. I wouldn't be opposed to something like this, but I do think that considering the cost of the raffle tickets along with the size of our raffles, which are not small, we gave away at least 1 tank worth 3 grand at fall fest alone, may be a little overkill. That is to say if the crew that is putting on one of our festivals wanted to do something like this they could.

    Keep in mind though our raffle is at the very end of the show and it is a must be present to win raffle.
  19. Kpotter2 Expert Reefkeeper

    North liberty, IA
    +7 / 0 / -0
    Door prizes are not high end things. They are like Fish food,filters,heaters and that sort of stuff. You can do both it just take a person to call or contact companies in the Hobby to donate door prize items to the club. I didn't do this in the Freshwater clubs, but the officers did all the time. Great I Idea
  20. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    Club events and this website would never happen without the paying members of this club. Those right there are enough reasons alone for me to pay the $20/yr membership fee. As far as the door prize, while not a bad idea I don't see it as the right move for the club offering it to non-paying members. I believe the major goal of the club should be to increase membership and grow, so in turn even more can be given back to the community. More events, bigger events, more world class experts/speakers brought in, club loaner items, any number of things. I believe offering the 10 tickets is a pretty good incentive to just pay the $20 and become a member. I did, and it ended up getting me so much more. Now even if they decided to not give away the raffle tickets I would continue to pay the dues to be a member.
    Club expenses I believe have always been available to club members, no reason it needs to go beyond the members either. If you want to know what the money is being spent on, or want some say to what its spent on then join the club.
    I do like the idea of a club benefits page, or some type of FAQ section relative to membership and what benefits members may receive. Some people may not be aware of the perks of membership . For example last years MACNA, club members were offered a special discounted admission price. And it was a hell of a price.

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