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DSM Area First Monthly Meeting...

Discussion in 'Des Moines & Ames Region' started by ZLTFUL, Dec 8, 2007.


    ZLTFUL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    OK...first off, let me apologize for being drunkled atm and having a hard time posting.
    So, we had our first DSM area meeting and considering the weather we had an OK showing. Ryan and his lovely girlfriend Rachel, Phil, Wayne, and Myself.
    We met up at Hessen Haus where we proceeded to drink and eat and tell stories of our reefing glory.
    It was fun to get to know these folks a little bit better. Phil and I have done lunch with Brad but I hadn't yet had a chance to hob nob with Ryan or Rachel or Wayne.
    After drinking and eating at Hessen Haus, we headed over to Ryan's place to check out his tank....and Rachel's that resides in the kitchen. Ryan has some amazing frags and the rock work in his tank is pretty killer...Rachel didn't want to disturb her sleeping clowns so we left her tank alone. Next, we went across the street to Phil's place.
    I must stop right here and mention how jealous I am...Phil's place is absolutely amazing. I would give unneeded body parts for that place. His tank is on it's way to being awesome but he still needs to finish the cycle and populate it first...plus him and Ryan are going to figure out why his Red Snapper pump is clicking and not moving the ammount of water it should be moving tomorrow after Ryan gets off work.
    We then proceeded over to Wayne's house where we were amazed and confused by his kelp looking mystery mushroom...plant...thing...oh hell none of use knew what it was...in his tank. He also has a pretty kick *** Volitan Lionfish that is about as mellow as any lion I have ever seen. We also consumed massive quantities of his personal stockpile of Natty light.
    After Ryan fragged some of the mystery thinigie...we (Ryan, Rachel, Phil, and Ryan(me)) headed over to Carl's....and had a GREAT time finishing out the night throwing some darts at the other patrons and just generally raising a ruckus.
    All in all, we accomplished exactly what we set out to. We hung out with like minded folks and discussed our tanks and all in all just had a good time.
    Thanks to those who showed up and a swift kick in the butt to those who didnt. ;-)
    Those who showed up...
    Somehow Phil managed to make a perfect crow shaped stain on his shirt with his Dunkel....
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    If there ever was a time and place for it, this is it:


    That was ridiculous. I'm supposed to be at work in ten minutes but I don't think I should drive.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Also: I'm pretty sure Phil's got a new avatar photo^
  4. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Wow, looks like it was a real fun meeting! /site/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/biggrin.gif  If that spill is for real, it has to be the best party foul known to man!
  5. Rachael

    Rachael Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    It's almost embarrassing to see last night under the heading of "First Monthly Meeting" The "meeting" was fun though, tanks were great and I'm glad to see everyone found their way home -- and Ryan, you are amazing, I was definitely already asleep when you posted, but man was I happy to wake up to that picture of Phil's shirt. So...see you all again in four weeks [​IMG]
    By the way, Wayne, did Ryan leave his little bag with the mystery mushroom in your basement? I was really excited to try that in our tanks, so save it if we did, we'll come get it, I promise.

    ZLTFUL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well, I finally rolled out of bed...

    No need for embarassment...if I am not mistaken, this is what it's supposed to be all about (well not the drinking part)...to have fun, to meet folks with the same interest in the hobby...to expand knowledge of the hobby through shared experiences...to become closer to fellow club members through these meetings.

    Besides, I am hard pressed to find too much of a difference so far between a group of rowdy Reefers and a group of rowdy Bikers...HAHAHA.
  7. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By ZLTFUL on 12/09/2007 12:05 PM
    Besides, I am hard pressed to find too much of a difference so far between a group of rowdy Reefers and a group of rowdy Bikers...HAHAHA.Anything has to be better than rowdy Nebby fans! [​IMG]
  8. Wayne1

    Wayne1 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Zltful, awesome with the post and pics, 2:50 a.m. you guys are animals, Ryansholl, i can't believe you went to work today. Rachel, you guys did leave the bags of mushrooms over i just put them in my sump, if they die you guys can always have more. To everybody i met last night you guys and girl are great. My wife loved you guys.My son asked when are those people gonna come back i had fun playing with that one guy(Ryansholl). Pm me when you want to come get the "Mullins mystery mushrooms".
    Later Wayne
  9. Philby

    Philby Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks everyone for showing up and Wayne for letting us hang out in your basement!

    I had a lot of fun and can't wait til next time - hopefully more people will join us and my tank will actually have something other than rock to look at!

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