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Cyno Treatment!!! Bad Idea??? HELP!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jtown, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. Jtown

    Jtown Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well folks Ive been fighting the beatiful Cyno aka slime algae for the past few weeks that has been slowly introduced since buying a used RO with old filter and using it for top off and a few water changes b4 finding out it sat stagnant for a while with nasty water in it and most likely grew bacteria in it during that.  Tested ok on a TDS at first but after running it for a little bit it was at 15tds.
    Im blaming that for the cause since I always used the boxed Sea Water for water changes before and never had an issue and since both tanks have it, thats the only link between the two. After many water changes and increased flow and less feedings and cutting light cycle it was slowly getting worse and worse untill I had to resort to chemical warefare.
    Im now a bit nervous after reading horror stories of the Chemi Clean Red Slime Remover which I dosed as directed last night in both tanks. I read more good than bad... Actually 10 good to 1 bad, but I still have a terrible feeling after seeing my corals this morning. Not all but half of my sps are sucked in with no polyp extension and dull coloration. Im hoping the reason for that is the added airstone for areation since the chemical depletes all the oxygen and I know sps dont like micro bubbles for extended periods.
    It says let treatment go for 48 hours then do 20% water change but after seeing my corals I panic and did a 40% today after 24 hours to dilute the water with chemical in it. I dont know if I over reacted and that was just normal and all will be fine or if my tank just didnt like it but dont want to risk it and really hope it has no lasting effects. The softy tank is fine after the 24 hours and looks like the cyno is going away fairly fast as Ive heard it will do but of course the tank with all the money and one I really care about is the one not looking good.
    I wasnt sure if anybody has used this before and can chime in to whether I over reacted of if it was smart to abort the mission and do a big water change. Obviously its still in there even wit the big WC but not as much. I did the WC about 3 hours ago and even after that corals didnt seem to want to open up still so I hope they just need to adapt and adjust or if I need to get them out NOW and try to save them.
    Please HELP and let me know what to do..... If it crashes everybody will know cuz there will be a tank for sale real soon.... [​IMG]
  2. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    I did the same thing about 5 years ago. A bad experience but not a total crash. I am betting like me and many others you won't do this again. But I have heard of some people having luck, Jeannette is one I think.
    But here is the problem as I understand it ....
    Cyano is a bacteria, Red Slime remover must kill the bacteria so therefore it uses an antibiotic. This is not a selective thing ... do you see where I am going? What happens when you cycle your tank? You create different colonies of bacteria to process waste, if you kill them bad things happen. So I would definitely be watching my Ammonia, Nitrite and Trate.
    The other thing that is usually said about using such checmicals is that you are just temporarily masking the problem and it will come back. You have to resolve the issue of what is causing the slime or Algae.
  3. Jtown

    Jtown Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I hear ya on the "band aid" thing and Im hoping my RO and maybe a little rookie over feeding which Ive cut back alot the last 4 weeks are the cause and once the slime is killed, ill never see it again. As far as killing the bacteria Im buying Turbo Start tomorrow to keep on hand which is a very concentrated live bacteria,( Im sure you kno that but other may not) to keep on hand to add if I see the slightest trace of Amm, Trite or Trate.

    What my question was and what has me stumped is why the corals look so unhappy already? Would the areation and micro bubbles be pissing them off?
  4. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    Bubbles will definitely piss them off, but the problem is we really don't know what is going on in the tank right now. I would check all you levels twice a day for awhile to keep a close watch on things.
  5. Jtown

    Jtown Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Cool will do.... Just went down and tested amm, nitrite and rate but didnt do phos which I think is the culprit. Silicates from that RO. Its reading 0 nitrates but between the chaeto and cyno that is still there, they are sucking it all up so prob giving me a false reading. Like you said I will check noon and night every day for the next week. They looked a bit better when I was just down there with moon lights on them. All my montis, superman, sunset and rainbows look great and all polyps are extended so thats a comforting sign from before the water change.

    Ill keep my eye on things closly and hope for the best. I was getting ready to splurge on a vortec power head and upgrade my 175s to 250s in the next few weeks but I better get a media reactor and some GFO instead for now and get my water quality in check before I worry about the fancy schmansy luxury stuff. LOL. Back to the basics!
  6. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    +19 / 0 / -0
    Also remove as much of the slime as possible. The more in there, the faster it will "reproduce."

    Is it just on the sand, just on the rocks, or a combination? I had a slight problem with a little cyno on the sand and I got a diamond watchman goby to munch on it while he was sifting and haven't had any problems since.
  7. Jtown

    Jtown Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    It's all over the rocks, coral and sand. Everywhere! On my powerheads and even the cords from the powerheads. Stuff is taking over. That's why I had to resort to chemicals. I was watching it slowly kill my coral.
  8. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    How long has your tank been set up?

    I had a red slime problem and cured it by cleaning the substrate with a gravel vac. It was gone the next day and has not returned.
  9. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    How deep was your sand bed Rick? I've heard that doing too much mixing of the sand bed can be catastrophic if you have a deep sand bed...get down more than a few inches and it can release toxins.

  10. bobsfish

    bobsfish Experienced Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Posted By B-Rad on 06/19/2009 05:44 AM

    How long has your tank been set up?

    I had a red slime problem and cured it by cleaning the substrate with a gravel vac. It was gone the next day and has not returned.
    How were you able to run a gravel vac over sand without picking up lots of sand? I've tried positioning the vac at an angle, but still pick up lots of sand.
  11. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I run a shallow bed about 1"and I stirrer it up with a turkey baster about once a week. It circulates nutrients in to the water helping to feed the corals, and helps to get some of the fish Pooh into the filters so it can be removed. 
    When I vac the sand I use a filter much like the first stage of an R/O unit I put in a pleated 100 micron filter, and use a small mag pump hooked up to the vac tub. The filtered water is just ran back into the tank.
    After I am done vacing, I will change the filter to a 5 Micron filter and put the pump into the sump and use it to polish the water. Works wonders.
    Heres a pic of what I use.
    JUst a some Ideas. Good luck!
  12. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    That's a nice setup Rick. You're just full of ideas. Where did you get the canister and filter? It looks smaller than the 10" standard size.

  13. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Its one that I had gotten from Menards awhile back, this is a Teledyne water pik brand. It has a bypass mode so you can change the filter with out draining the whole system.

    I think they only carry Omni brand filters now but they are still good quality.
    Hey If I could only out down on paper half the Ideas I have in my head, It would be the DIY Bibble LOL. 
  14. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Based on everything that I've seen so far, I don't doubt that one bit. :)
  15. Jtown

    Jtown Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well after stressing out the last two nights that I was going to lose everything, I was pleasantly surprised this morning to my pieces of sps that looked like white skeletons having some polyp extention and looking better. I did that big water change and added turbo start last night to boost the good bacteria in theory the red slime remover killed it. Not sure if it made the difference but I think I might pull thru this and not lose anything. Will give an update in a few days but Its looking much better than 24 hours ago. Thanks for the replys guys
  16. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    Man that is a hell of a vacuum, Very awesome idea, I am going to copy it.

    You did use the slime remover Jtown?

    Please keep us updated on how everything turns out.
  17. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By AJ on 06/19/2009 08:38 PM
    Based on everything that I've seen so far, I don't doubt that one bit. :)
    LOL, if you're going to the BBQ.  You should check out the stuff he has when he thought about making an external wave maker.
  18. bobsfish

    bobsfish Experienced Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    B-Rad that gravel vac setup is great....very clever. I think I'll do the same...sorry for the copy!

    Jtown - keep posting about your tank...hope it pulls through. Sounds like you might be on the recovery from the treatment.
  19. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Jtown sorry, I didn't mean to rail road your thread!

    I'm glad that your tank turned around for ya!

    Hope to see ya at the I/C tank tour.

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