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Biocube 29 with everything in and around it

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by sang, May 20, 2009.

  1. sang

    sang Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Okay so I have decided to sell my tank.  I have had this going for years now.  I have had this clown now for about five years (my 6 year old is going to hate me for selling nemo!). Everything is healthy (never had any disease, but could benefit from a lighting upgrade.  Everything is in perfect working condition. I am not interested in parting it out, so I will either sell it all or keep it all (I am actually having a hard time holding back the bug to buy more and expand). I am selling this because I just don't have the time to appreciate it during the school year (work full time + school full time + family =  what am I doing to myself), and I plan to travel during the summer and that always spells bad news to at least one tank inhabitant. So here is the list:
    Dry goods
    -Biocube 29 (lights replaced about 1 1/2 months ago)
    -Biocube stand
    -Oceanic Biocube skimmer
    -Koralia 2 (only a couple of months old)
    -Seio M620 power head (used one time for a day)
    -Ultimate gravel vac and attachments(the hook up to your sink kind that self coils, only used once, attachments still in packages)
    -Gravel vac
    -Coral life day night power center
    -outlet timer
    -4 x heaters (all work great, different brands)
    -bioballs (came with the cube but never used them)
    -misc. items (hardly used saltwater master test kit, hydrometer, mag float, aquascaper, filter pads, home made refugium light for back of tank, coral vite, phytoplan, marine s food, quick test strips, brine shrimp eggs, and some other small stuff).
    Live stock
    -false percula (great fish and doesn't attack like some people's on this site :)
    -possibly H.Magnificus Anemone about 6-8" (this is the best guess on this anemone, I had posted about it before, adampottebaum has a split if anyone has questions)
    -cleaner shrimp
    -misc hermits
    -misc snails
    -3 nice candycane colonies
    -baseball size pipe organ colony
    -frog spawn frag
    -green kenya tree frag
    -clove polyp frag (just starting to grow)
    -tons of orange and purple mushrooms (could happily frag and sell tons of these)
    -some orange zoos that are having a hard time (the anemone decided to live on top of the colony and so much of it was killed, I just moved some but they are only partially opened)
    -live rock and live sand (I don't remember how much as I have accumulated it over the years but there is a ton for a smaller tank and the middle chamber is loaded as well)
    I will try to get some pictures up soon.  Feel free to shoot any questions or offers my way.
  2. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Price and location?
  3. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper

    +19 / 0 / -0
    His tank is very nice. The anemone I traded him for is doing amazing in my tank, and the clone he had looked even better. My maroon clown hosts mine great and I saw his false perculas hosting his too. He takes care of this tank very well too, everything looked like it was in great shape.

    I'd just add one thing to this though, the sand is black. It looks pretty sweet in the tank too.

  4. sang

    sang Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Sorry, this is in Iowa City. I am hoping to get about $400 for everything, but feel free to shoot me an offer.
  5. wesly2007 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Cedar Rapids
    +12 / 0 / -0
    if you decide to part out I would take one of the candy cane colonies, cleaner shrimp and the clove polyps.
    PM me
  6. Eric Experienced Reefkeeper

    West Des Moines, IA
    +33 / 0 / -0
    I saw this on Craig's List as well.
    Certainly you've been around saltwater long enough to realize that complete setups rarely, if ever, sell, and if so @ drastically reduced pricing.
    If you get to the point that you are willing to part it out, I'm in for some of the live rock.
    Also interested in zoas, hermits, snails, Seio M620/Koralia 2 depending on pricing as well as the false perc.
  7. sang

    sang Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks, I will take my chances for now. I have had many responses from craigslist. I think that for a complete setup, this is @ a drastically reduced price. For less than the price of the tank and stand, I am including many hundreds of dollars in extras. We all know how much this stuff costs, just the digital power timer costs $40! If somebody wants, they can buy it all and then part out what they don't want to get their money back. If I decide to part it out, I will make sure to relist here.
  8. Eric Experienced Reefkeeper

    West Des Moines, IA
    +33 / 0 / -0
    Great and thanks for the quick response!
    Before anyone jumps in...I'll respect your pricing so let's not allow this to turn into a runaway thread on what's worth what and in who's eyes.
    Good luck with the sale!
  9. sang

    sang Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I agree, I don't want a price war thread either. I hate to sound so defensive, but that is always feels like a piranha attack when it comes to selling things online. So the reason why I don't want to part things out is that in my mind it takes the same amount of work to maintain a single fish as it does the entire reef of this size. So if I am going to maintain it, than I might as well maintain the whole thing. I am not desperate for the money so I don't need to make a drastic dime on the dollar type of sale. My only real deadline is that I would like to sell it before going on vacation towards the end of summer, but if I don't, that is okay too. Also, my kid already tried to negotiate to have me give him the tank so he could put it in his room to take care of Nemo, he really wants to keep it (we have had this fish since he was one). So it will be easier for me to have the whole set up disappear at once, out of sight out of mind.

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