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Bad Experience At BoBo`s.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mralanjones, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. mralanjones

    mralanjones Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    First of all, I would like to say that I'm new at this hobby and not the most knowledgeable. With that said I had a Gold Stripper Gropper, A Dwarf Lion Fish, and a Lunar Wrasse. Well, I was looking to get rid of them because I didn't want to have a predator tank any longer. So I went around asking different people if they wanted to buy them, or trade for them, or give me store credit. Well, no one was interested until I went into Bobo's. He said he would give me a discount on fish if I was to spend my money there. Which was okay, I had no complaints with that at all. Well, then I asked if he had a 20 Gallon long aquarium for a sump. Well, he did. He told me it didn't look good, but it would work for a sump. So I said okay, and well, I traded my three fish for the tank. I brought it home and it sat here for a few days and then I was told the tank is basicall worthless. That the trim was so tore up on it that eventually the tank would bow out and be useless. Anyway, I felt like I was misled so I went back with the tank and told them my concerns and they filled it with like three inches of water to see if it leakes, and it didn't. So I was told it was a good tank for a sump. I still didn't feel good about it, so I asked if I could get a different tank or store credit. I was denied and told that this tank was the only thing I could get because they were really only helping me out by taking my fish off my hands. So I expressed my concerns about the tank and the trim some more and I was then told that the trim was for nothing but looks, and custom made tanks don't have trim at all. Anyway, I told them thanks for their time, and left with a tank that probably won't work for what I need it for. Anyway, I just felt I should share my story, so no one else has a bad experience like mine.
  2. Bzishka

    Bzishka Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    i would just like to add a little note, i have had some tanks with no trim i also thought would be an issue, but i talked to a guy i seen making a glass tank in his garage (bout a block away) and he said he has never used trim on any of his tanks, (hes got big tanks the one he was making was a 75g) you should see his house, anyway he told my that the trim is used more for protecting the glass and making it look good then anything, but if it don't leek you should have no problem using it as a sump. also why didn't you call me i have been looking for a lionfish for cheaper then 50 bucks( like our pet store in mason) for a while now. haha although just a word of advice, you should never pay more then 1 dollar a gallon for used tanks, unless you KNOW its worth it
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0

    If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    one more thign yes that center brace does do some thign its not for looks as the newer glass is not a thick as the old stuff thay use to make and why take a change on having a tank brake in your house unless you live in a tralier and dont care that your floor gets wet
  5. Bzishka

    Bzishka Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    thats weird i don't know if i have ever seen a twenty gallon with a center brace.
  6. h2so4hurts

    h2so4hurts Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Did you list the fish in the buy/sell/trade forum? Probably could have gotten some money for them and bought a new 20! I'd say fill it up to the top and see if it leaks after a day or two. If not, you'll probably be ok. You should see my 30g hospital tank. It's a piece of crap, but holds water. It also has top trim falling off and I have had no problems with it. It's the first tank I ever owned :) (Going on 16 years of FW/SW use!!)
  7. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    just kinda sounds like he doesnt really care about his customers or his reputation. just wants to make his money at any cost. id feel cheated if i were u.
  8. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0

    He told you he had a 20 long that was ugly but would work as a sump. You said good deal @ the time (I assume you actually looked at said ugly tank). Then you change your mind. This was after everyone else said no but him?

    I dont blame him at all. No one else would trade you, you were fine with the conditions of the trade, and then you changed your mind.

    I dont ever remember seeing a 20G with a center brace either.
  9. mralanjones

    mralanjones Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well, I was fine with it because I just didn't know any better. Had I known it would be a possible problem I would have said heck no and moved on with my fish. As for the guy having tanks without trim. I'm assuming because he's making them himself they are more reliable. As in he makes them strong because he knows what he's doing. Massed produced tanks I would assume are just made and sent out... As for the trim, it's all the trim, not just the top.
  10. Troy

    Troy Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I am the one that told him not to use that tank. The trim on top and bottom ( not the center brace) are both falling off. One corner has nothing to suport it at all. Just the silcone inside the tank. I don't feel that it is worth using a tank that could potentionaly blow out, and flood the house. I agree that it was a bad trade, and most people would have known this. But being completely new to this hobby, he didn't know, and I think he was taken advantage. There is no need to post blame on anyone, he is just sharing his experience and how unhappy he is.
  11. Bzishka

    Bzishka Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    whos posting blame? we were discussing trim, and tanks massed produced or home made, its only 20 gallons, and it being a sump, won't be a full twenty, also it was bad for the bobo's guy to take advantage of somone new like that, and people shouldn't discourage new aquarist to stop. we are all in this together. but he did take the fish you said you couldn't get rid of, and gave you a working (as long as theres no leek) 20g long sump. and you could always take three 3 2x4s and make your own center brace. don't even need 2x4s, that way, at least you get something out of your trade. other then a well learned lesson.
  12. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    Just for good customer service he should have given you a better deal! A crapy 20 long is worth basicaly nothing you got totaly hosed! It will still work for a sump.

    P.S. your fish were worth way more than a crapy 20 long he will sell them and get $100.00 or more he should have given you a brand new 20 long and he still would have been makeing out!


  13. h2so4hurts

    h2so4hurts Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    That pretty much sums up how I feel about it.
  14. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +41 / 2 / -0
    Each side has it own pros and cons. As a store owner knowing who is a neebie and who isn't doesn't come in the job title. Knowing what your buying selling or trading BEFORE you do it makes everything go alot smoother. From Gary's side, it's not his job to know your expirience level. You did look at the tank, it was your choice to take it or leave it, knowing what your getting into before you buy it is part of any purchase. On a side note it is kinda crappy you traded three pretty nice fish for a 10 dollar tank
  15. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    I too have been told that the trim on smaller tanks is more "form" than function and the silicon does most of the work.   If you've ever looked at the trim on a 20, it's not exactly the toughest stuff.   Besides, if it's a standard tank you should be able to get replacement trim.   They aren't very expensive and I believe Pet's Playhouse even stocks a few of the more common sizes.
    If you bought something from BoBo's (or anywhere else) without researching it properly and then had buyers remorse afterwards, I really think it's nobody's fault but your own.   The LFS's are in a very tough business and I don't blame them for protecting themselves.
    Just an FYI to the newer people on the board:   We don't mind if you post about your good/bad experiences with local retailers (including our sponsors), but hearsay is not allowed.   If the experience didn't happen to you personally, then please don't post it...
  16. Luukosian


    +1 / 0 / -0

    Just my two cents. On my 20 gallon planted tank the bottom trim isnt even attached(got it for like 3 bucks at an auction)...and I remember it falling off when I was putting the tank on the stand. It has been running for probably 3+ years with no leaks whatsoever. Not to say that yours won't fail, and by no means would I let that slide on a 75 gallon or anything, but in my opinion you should be fine. No comment on that trade :)
  17. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I totally agree. That being said, many fish shops I have come across are like this. Unless the deal is HEAVILY in their favor (like it was in this case), they have no interest in trading. My experience comes all from CA, maybe here in IA we can expect something different, but I am pretty used to that sort of treatment, LOL
    ~ Bela
  18. Benji

    Benji Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    "Well, I was looking to get rid of them because I didn't want to have a predator tank any longer. So I went around asking different people if they wanted to buy them, or trade for them, or give me store credit. Well, no one was interested until I went into Bobo's."

    Sounds like you may have had issues with your fish. If they were worth $100 as previously noted, why is BoBo's the only place willing to take them off your hands. It sounds like he did you a favor?

    Either way you should have done some research or ask the forum for advice before peddling your goods. This is another example of someone not taking responsibility for their own lack of knowledge.
  19. h2so4hurts

    h2so4hurts Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    So it's his fault he was taken advantage of? Also, he did make a post a while back about his fish and got no response.  I'm all for standing up for LFS's if they're honest and reliable, but this just seems shady.  If the guy took it home and wasn't happy with his trade, the very least BoBo's could do is give him his fish back.  That's just standard customer service.
    It'd be nice if Gary came on here to post his side of the story.  Unfortunately I think this is giving his shop some bad publicity.
  20. mralanjones

    mralanjones Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I just want to say all the fish were in great shape. They were well fed and Gary himself said they looked very nice when he saw the pictures  the first time I spoke to him and that is when I  mention that I was new to the hobby to him. I just wanted to tell my story that way no one else new coming into this hobby made the same mistake I did.

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