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55g acrylic Cedar Rapids MUST SELL!!!

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Marc, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. Marc

    Marc Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I have a 55g acrylic for sale first $75 takes it... it has the rounded front corners and no overflow but I did drill it on the back and have made an overflow there... it has a black back drop!  feel free to call me 319-899-3875
    p.s. brand new this was like 500 I just need to sell it as its taking up space in my garage... and the wifey is gettin upset  [​IMG]
  2. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
  3. nielsen2773

    nielsen2773 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    can I get a Amen
  4. Marc

    Marc Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    for being a board member you sure do act like a jack ***!

    You don't even know the full details... this **** right here is the reason why GIRS will ALWAYS remain a "cliche"... AND why i will NEVER BE A MEMBER along w/ others I've talked to...grow up!!! sigh!
  5. JohnL

    JohnL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    I have to agree Marc, This forum reminds me of the GIRS from the past that I got away from a few years ago. I read the old threads and heard about how everything went down and have my own opinion but I don't think it's my place to say anything since i'm not directly involved and really don't see where other people think they have to stick their nose in your business either.

    Another reason I don't try to get more of my friends involved here at GIRS.
  6. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Right. I was actually interested. Reason being I've been thinking of doing sun room tank with natural light. Of course, acrylic is easier to drill and work with than glass.

    With that being said, we all know about the last transaction with Marc went. I don't live close to CR and don't want to waste my time and gas if that's going to be the case.
  7. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Marc:  Reefer's comments WERE out of line (especially for a club officer) and I have dealt with it privately.   However, I'm having a hard time feeling overly sorry for you because the reaction some people have on here is a result of your previous actions in this forum.   Not only that but you continue to publicly bash the club (which I and others put a lot of hard work into) while you still feel free to call me on the phone and ask for advice.   Reefer isn't the only one that needs to do some "growing up".
    John: If you don't like something about the club, you have 2 choices:  1) You can let it drive you away or 2) You can talk to an officer and let them know what you think is wrong so they can try and address it.   I have heard through the grape vine before  that the club's "old blood" feels that it's gone "down hill", yet not a SINGLE one of those people (yourself included) has ever bothered to raise the issue with any of the incarnations of the club board over the last few years.
    I would absolutely LOVE to hear from you or any of the other long-time members regarding where they think the club has gone wrong and what we as the current board could do to address it.
    The fact of the matter is that the officers of this club put a lot of effort into making it a great resource for members and non-members alike and it's a pretty thankless job.   The last thing I like to see is all of that work happening on one hand and then people spreading rumors and innuendos about why the club sucks so much now without being willing to actually put forth any effort themselves or even bother to speak there mind about what they would like to see changed.
    And yes, this is a sore subject for me... :)
    Again, I honestly invite you or any other person reading this to send me a PM or email the board and give us your opinions on what we can do to make the club a better resource for everyone involved.
  8. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yeah, because I was the one that made a thread called "Marc is the worst seller ever".
  9. candlesbytammy1

    candlesbytammy1 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I don't say much here, but there are 'cliches'....but where isn't there...work, school, other clubs, even churches....that is just how life is. If someone doesn't like cliches, then they are screwed since we are all surrounded by them.
    I have heard what happened before with MARC and I understand where REEFer Madness would be concerned. Maybe he didn't say it the politest way, but he is just speaking his mind, which we all do. Not to mention that the other person involved is a reputable club member.
    Even though I am not an actual member, I know many of the GIRS people and I do see the cliches, but that isn't going to stop me from helping out and participating in club, maybe I am more mature than others and cliches just don't bother me. The club is here for a reason...to promote a better understanding of the marine life that we keep in our home aquariums...the club also allows people to buy sell and trade...etc...and as far as my friends go, I don't control them...they are adults and can make up their own minds on what they want to be a part of or not.
    This is a post for a 55 gallon acrylic tank..maybe we should keep it just at that
  10. JohnL

    JohnL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    Posted By JB on 10/11/2009 01:28 PM
    John: If you don't like something about the club, you have 2 choices:  1) You can let it drive you away or 2) You can talk to an officer and let them know what you think is wrong so they can try and address it.   I have heard through the grape vine before  that the club's "old blood" feels that it's gone "down hill", yet not a SINGLE one of those people (yourself included) has ever bothered to raise the issue with any of the incarnations of the club board over the last few years.
    I don't have a problem with the club as it is now other than a few posts that were placed that probably shouldn't have been.
    I left the old club before it really got going because of all the bickering and complaining between board members and members themselves.
    There are more member and the website looks great and I wouldn't have joined unless I thought it was worthwhile.
    I guess I still have a bad taste left in my mouth from the old days.
    I'll try to contribute where I can and try not to make any waves [​IMG]
  11. Marc

    Marc Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    first of all NONE OF YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED W/ "THE OTHER DEAL"... if you guys really wanna know maybe we should have a clear the air ... Xroads is trying to sue me for $950 on a deal that was originally only $1000... and you call "dignified member"... at $1000 he got a HELL of a deal! ask him everything he got... I gave him 3 opportunities to back out of the deal and i would give him his money back fact is I had several other people interested in the deal and wish i would have waited a lil longer... but he was the first on the sign to give me a deposit...and so i took Joel's advice (not knowing at the time he was playing me and talking to Xroads)... and honored the deal w/ xroads... even though he was complaining bout every damn thing... did you hear me complain bout him leaving my house a desaster... and me and my pregnant wife spending all day cleaning that mess up... me and my wife really don't have alot of money but here xroads feels the need to sue me for $950 for a deal that was only $1000... so he is saying that custom 240g acrylic tank, custom 180g acrylic refugium sump, baracuda pump, all the ball joint plumbing, 165g holding tank for RO water, 175lbs of live cure rock, 200lbs of aragonite sand (cured) plus livestock that included and 7"+ yellow tang, a sohal tang and much more was ONLY WORTH $50... DOESN'T SOUND REAL DIGNIFYING TO ME!

    not to mention one of the DM board members calling me a bad Christian...

    lastly, JB when i called you wasn't to get advice... our conversation didn't even get that far... YOU ARE ASSUMING... if you recall the call you gave me a reasoning right off the bat that you were really busy doing something... before i ever told you what i was calling about...if you that busy im surprised you even answered your phone... none of you as ever really care what MY SIDE OF STORY W/ XROADS REALLY WAS... most of you just took is side as biblical...

    fact is me and my wife financially are struggling and we have a kid on the way... which is why I sold my dream tank as such a CHEAP PRICE... now im wishing I would have never done the deal w/ xroads cause this DIGNIFIED MEMBER IS TRYING TO TELL ME ITS WAS ONLY WORTHY $50... you all at GIRS can chew on this... sound to me like someone got GREEDY! AND THAT CRAP WILL KEEP OTHERS FROM THIS CLICHE YOU CALL GIRS!
  12. Marc

    Marc Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    thank you john for having the courage to stand up for what is RIGHT!  God bless you!
  13. Marc

    Marc Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    P.S. I will continue to offer my services to the GIRS community(as much or as little as some of you think it is)... cause i do believe in its core cause... I will NEVER become a member until i feel it has reach a fair level of integrity... I haven't been involved that long but I have already seen some stuff that is not good... I will hope and pray for its core cause to come to fruition... it REALLY COULD BE SOMETHING GREAT... we have alot of people that have some beautiful tanks and that know alot about the marine world... and yes xroads you are one of them... and I hope and pray that talent gets used to unify and build a wonderful GIRS community... that doesn't ostersize people... or make them feel like idiots cause they are NEW and don't know as much or have the money to buy all the latest and greatest equipm't and fish and coral...
  14. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +41 / 2 / -0
    I always find things like this to be a bit funny in so many ways. Over my past almost decade in this club I've seen this happen many, many times. No matter what it almost always ends the same way. Someone gets caught doing something they shouldn't, they automatically blame the other person, then the club. What exactly did this club ever do that was so bad? We offered a place to sell you stuff, get your info, hang out and meet new people in the same hobby. Why is the club always this huge downfall. It's not, this club has no authority on any sales or conducts made by it's members. The people that make up the club do have there own opinions, we have no control over those either.

    On a side note, it's my job to inform you that in order to sell commercially on this site you need to sponsor this site. It's nothing personal it's how we do things, our sponsors support us and we do the same for them.

    I'm also obligated to ask you manage your behavior and conduct. Name calling and general bashing of the club doesn't do much more than make you look like an ***. Long story short, knock it off or we'll knock it off for you.

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