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GIRS By-Laws

General By-Laws
of the
Greater Iowa Reef Society

Article 1: Board Of Directors

Section 1

The Board of Directors shall consist of all elected Officers and appointed Trustees.

Section 2

A quorum of at least one half (1/2) of the Board of Directors must be in attendance in order to conduct business. The majority vote of those present shall be required in order for the Board to vote on any business.

Section 3

The Board of Directors shall have the power to fill all vacancies occurring within its ranks during the Fiscal Year, in accordance with article VII, section 3, of the Constitution.

Section 4

No member of the club may act as agent for the club, or the Board of Directors without the written consent of the Board of Directors.

Section 5

In consideration for their service, board members shall have their annual membership dues waived at renewal time in the year following in which they served a complete year. They shall also receive free admission to Spring and Fall Fest during the year that they serve.

Article II: Duties of Officers

Section 1

The President shall preside at all meetings, sign documents, and be a member of all Committees.

Section 2

The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, act as presiding officer. The Vice President shall be a member of all Committees and shall be informed of any business of said Committee so that s/he may present it to the board in the absence of said Committee Chairman.

Section 3

It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to inscribe the proceedings of all meetings and to be prepared to read the specified records when requested. This office requires the maintenance of Club records, except those designated to other officers. When the President and Vice President are absent in any meeting, the Secretary shall preside. The Secretary shall also be responsible for maintaining copies of all correspondence as directed by the board.

Section 4

The Treasurer shall keep in order financial records and/or books, tender by check recognized expenses incurred by the Club, and co-sign checks with the President, or the one other Board member designated by the Board. The Treasurer is required to present immediately prior to the end of the fiscal year, all financial records to the person specified by the Board of Directors for audit and shall include a written statement of the financial condition of the club. The Treasurer shall also present a monthly financial report to the Board of Directors and anytime at the request of the President.

Section 5

All Officers/Trustees at the expiration of their term of office/appointment, or whether office/appointment is declared vacant, shall deliver to their successor all books, papers, monies and other property in their possession belonging to the Greater Iowa Reef Society

Article III: Membership

Section 1

Application for membership in this organization shall be on an official paper or electronic membership application form and shall be accompanied by dues presented to the Treasurer.

Section 2

Regular members shall consist of those members over eighteen (18) years of age (any children 18 years of age or younger will be covered under a parents/guardians regular membership). Regular members are eligible to hold office and vote (provided they are over 18 years of age).

Section 3

Charter Members shall consist of those members who joined the Club during its first year of existence. Charter Members may hold office and vote.

Section 4

Student members shall consist of those members who are under eighteen (18) years of age. Applicants under fourteen (14) years of age cannot apply for membership unless a parent or guardian joins. Student members, regardless of charter membership affiliations, may not hold office or vote.

Section 5

Commercial Members shall consist of those individuals holding a financial interest in any phase of the Aquarium or Tropical Fish sales, being either fresh or salt water. Commercial members may not hold office, unless 2/3 voting members approve. Commercial members may vote. Commercial members may not solicit at the General Meetings, or at any other Club sponsored functions.

Section 6

Honorary membership may be bestowed upon those whom the society wishes to recognize for outstanding achievement in/or outstanding services to the society. Honorary members may not hold office or vote. Honorary membership is perpetual.

Section 7

Annual membership dues shall be set by the Board of Directors. This must be an adequate sum, enabling the Club to operate in an efficient, proper and solvent manner in the service and best interest of its membership. Membership starts immediately on payment of dues.

Section 8

Dues for Regular and Charter Members will be set at $20. Dues for Student members will be set at $10, Dues for Commercial members will be set and determined by the BOD and updated and detailed by Club Sponsorship Price Sheet.

Section 9

Members whose dues are not paid by their anniversary date, are to be considered delinquent and will be removed from the club roster with loss of rights and privileges of membership in the society.

Article IV: Committees

Section 1

The Board of Directors shall establish (upon the approval of the President) all Committees required to conduct the business of the club.

Section 2

All Committees shall perform the duties assigned to them. No member shall be compelled to serve upon more than one Committee at the same time. Any member of the Committee failing to perform his/her duties may be removed from such Committee by the President.

Section 3

Remuneration, if any, shall be decided by the Board of Directors at the time the members of the Committee are selected. All Committees shall be paid upon presentation of bills.

Article V: Amendments to the Bylaws

Section 1

All proposed amendments to the By-laws must be in writing and must list the Article and Section that is to be amended. All proposed amendments must be signed by three (3) active members and presented to the Board of Directors for consideration. If approved by the Board of Directors, the proposed amendment shall be submitted for a general vote.

Section 2

A two-thirds (2/3) majority of participating voting members shall be required to pass changes. This vote may be accomplished at a General meeting or thru an on-line voting process that insures the integrity that only members may vote and only vote once. Online voting shall consist of a 15 day discussion period followed by a 3 day voting period.

Section 3

All proposed changes will be published in the legal paper of the Club previous to the meeting at which action is to be taken.

Article VI: Parliamentary Authority

Section 1

All matters not herein expressly covered by the Constitution and/or By-laws are hereby delegated to the Board of Directors.

Article VII: Regions

Section 1

New regions (with a non-voting trustee) may be formed where there is interest by a minimum of 10 current members and an existing club member identified that can as act as trustee (non-voting) to be appointed by the President and approved by the elected officials.

Section 2

New regions will reach a status that includes a voting trustee on the BOD after completion of one year AND a minimum of 20+ active members.

Section 3

New Regions that fall below 20 active members will have a grace period of one (1) year to increase the membership back to 20. If the membership is not increased back to the 20 minimum, the trustee will become a non-voting member on the BOD.

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